Lovers and Friends 3?

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Jasmina's POV:

It's been a month since Trey moved in and things been good. I started talking to this guy I met at work, and he seems pretty cool. I'm not tryna rush things between us because I just met him. Things got back to normal when me and Trey went back to work, but I kinda miss when we didn't have work and just enjoyed each other's company.


Jasmina walks in the house and goes to her room to change.


Her phone goes off and she checks it.

"I'm on my way."

Jerald, the guy she is talking to, text her. She smiles and responds.

"Okay, I'm about to get dressed."

As she changes out of her clothes, she hears Tremaine knocking on her door.

J: Yeah Tremaine?

He opens the door.

T: Where you at?

J: I'm changing in the closet.

T: Where you going?

J: I'm going out with Jerald tonight, Mister "I Wanna Ask 21 Questions"

He giggles as he sits on her bed. She walks out and stands in front of the mirror to fix her hair.

T: Girl who you trying to impress?

J: Myself, the fuck? I don't be looking wild in front of these people. Plus I'm dressing casual because he said not to dress up.

T: Where yall going?

She turns around to face him, kind of annoyed that he keeps asking questions.

J: I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it is not formal.

T: Well if he tries to do some shit, you know who to call.

J: Yes Trey, I know.


She grabs her phone and reads Jerald's text.

"I'm outside."

She grabs her purse and walks to the front door.

T: Have fun.

J: Thanks.

She hugs him and walks out towards his car.

Later That Night

Jasmina walks back in the house and put her stuff down on the counter. She looks around and don't see Trey.

J: Trey?

She goes upstairs to his room and see him smoking a joint.

J: You ain't hear me calling you?

T: Honestly, no.

He giggles as she shakes her head.

J: Lemme talk a hit.

He pass the joint to her as she takes a hit. She pass it back to him and gets up.

J: I'll be back, I wanna get out of these clothes.

T: You act like you never changed in front of me before.

She smack her lips and go to her room to change into a t-shirt. She go back to his room and lays down, grabbing the joint from him.

Me, Tremaine, and I Where stories live. Discover now