Chapter 1

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Hoseok POV

"How's the dance practices going?" Tae asks as we walk down the hallway together. I just smile and shrug.

"They're okay. I'm definitely enjoying the whole idea of being able to teach though. It's surprisingly just as much fun as doing the actual dancing myself most times." I answer as we near the end of the hallway. He nods as we round the corner to my right, but I stop dead in my tracks at the sight before me.

"Leave me the hell alone." My sister, Soomi, scoffs as she pushes Seng away from her. However, he takes her by the wrist and shoves her back against the lockers that had been at her side.

"Now, now, baby girl. No need to be all feisty with me. Come on, just let me take you home and make you feel good. I can't imagine just how good you'd be in bed." Seng tells her in a somewhat taunting tone.

"Get the fuck off of me, Seng. I don't fucking want you. I want nothing to do with you and you're going to make me late to class." Soomi snaps coldly. He smacks her across the face though, now glaring down at her.

"Don't use that tone with me, Soomi. Just give me what I want and we'll be leave happy, okay?" He growls.

"Get the fuck off of my sister, you dickhead." I snap loudly, catching both of their attentions. I stalk right up to him, shoving him away from her.

"Dickhead." Seng mutters as he stumbles before shoving me up against the locker next.

"I can swing both ways, Hoseok, if that's how you want to play. It's not like either of you are that ugly." Seng says with a smirk, licking his lips as he begins eyeing my body like a piece of fucking candy. I quickly begin to feel uncomfortable, not liking this at all.

"Get the fuck away from me. Stay the hell away from me and my sister, Seng." I tell him through clenched teeth. He chuckles lowly though, leaning down and beginning to nip at my neck. If it weren't for the fact that he's already got my hands pinned above my head, I definitely would've shoved him off by now.

However, I'm beyond surprised when he's suddenly ripped off of me and thrown backwards. With him having let go of my hands, they fall limply to my sides as I look over to the person who pretty much just saved my ass with wide eyes. Though, I'm met with an even bigger surprise when I find Min Yoongi stood just a couple steps away from me.

"Stay the fuck away from them, Seng. They're not your fucking property." Yoongi growls darkly as he glares down at the younger boy. Seng clambers to his feet with a scoff at Yoongi, rolling his eyes.

"And what the fuck are you going to do about, Min?" Seng challenges with a cocked eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. I mentally shake my head at the boy, the one person here that's fucking dumb enough to challenge Min Yoongi.

Within a swift second, Yoongi has Seng pinned up off his feet against the lockers just a short distance beside me. His hand is wrapped around his throat, a dark smirk on his pale lips. Seng's eyes widen with a glare in them as his hands begin clawing at Yoongi's, clearly beginning to struggle to breathe.

"You always have been a fucking idiot, Seng. I could beat your ass senseless and have you dead in the span of a couple minutes. Now, stay the fuck away from the Jung's, Seng. I don't feel like getting all bloodied right now." Yoongi tells him with his ever present smirk before tossing Seng to the floor on the other side of him.

Yoongi's smirk fades though, quickly disappearing as he turns his attention over to me.

"The two of you get the hell out of here and quit wasting your time." Yoongi mutters, motioning with his head for us to run off. I just tilt my head to the side though, not particularly wanting to leave his presence yet. I don't get much of a chance though, as Taehyung grabs my wrist and quickly pulls me away from the mint haired male in front of me.

"Holy shit, that was close. I can't believe you were that fucking close to him." Tae mutters quietly as he drags me down the hall away from Yoongi. I turn my head back to look back at Yoongi, only to find the minty haired boy nowhere to be seen already.

I just stay quiet, frowning a bit as I shake my head.

Despite being one of the shorter guys in school, he's definitely always been one of the guys that everyone has always feared. He's honestly one of the cuter guys here though too.

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