Chapter 5

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Hoseok POV

Sitting in the room with Yoongi and Soomi, I stay quiet and just sit off to the side in the room. There's a small table here with two chairs at it, though Yoongi pulled one to go sit next to the piano while Soomi is on the piano bench with Yoongi trying to teach her. I'm only paying half attention to their lesson though, more so focusing on getting my homework done for tomorrow's classes.

I can't help but smile the entire time though, just enjoying listening to Yoongi speak and the occasional times that he actually plays on the piano. He's been so patient and kind with her, it honestly amazes me. For being the guy that everyone at school fears like some monster that's going to come kill them in their sleep for no reason, Yoongi isn't that person at all. He's not some beastly creature that wants to hurt anyone who crosses his path. Sure, he may be strong and have the ability to possibly destroy anyone in his path, but that's not who he is as a person. We all have that dark and evil side in us. But, he's actually a really sweet and kind person, patient and helpful.

Though, the lesson soon comes to an end, thankfully perfect timing for me as I finish up the last problem on my homework sheet. Slipping my homework all back into my school bag, I zip it shut and sling it over my shoulder as I stand up. Looking over at them, Soomi has a small smile on her face as she gives Yoongi a bow before coming over to me.

"Ready to go?" I ask her with a smile, ruffling her hair teasingly. She gives me a playful glare before nodding her head.

"Alrighty. How about you step outside for a minute, yeah? I'll be right there, okay? I just wanna talk with Yoongi for a minute." I tell her softly. She just nods her head, picking up her bag from beside me before walking out of the room. Turning back around to look over at Yoongi, I find him with a very mixed expression. A combination of nervousness, worry, and curiousness in his eyes.

"Everything okay, Hoseok?" Yoongi asks softly, walking over to me from where he'd been stood next to the piano. I give him a smile, nodding my head.

"Everything's fine, Yoongi. I just wanted to thank you. You seriously saved my ass earlier in the hallway at school. And, not only that, but the way you handled my sister with the lessons today, I really appreciate it." I tell him gently, smiling at the minty haired boy. I'm mildly surprised though, watching his cheeks warm up to a hint of pink as he shrugs.

"Seng is a dickhead. If he gives either of you anymore trouble, you can just come find me and let me know. Your sister actually isn't half bad with the piano. She's just going to need a lot of practice more than anything else." Yoongi mumbles in return. I bite my lip, finding myself blushing lightly as I rub the back of my neck shyly.

"Well, I really appreciate it, Yoongi. You really helped us at school and you definitely helped boost Soomi's confidence in her idea to learn how to play. She was really nervous and you were great with her. So, I just wanted to thank you. I don't imagine anyone ever really tells you that and rather probably just runs off instead." I respond honestly. Yoongi surprisingly giggles softly, a shy look on his face despite the adorably cute gummy smile.

"You're welcome, Hoseok. It's really not a big deal though." Yoongi says shyly, ruffling his hair with one of his hands. I grin at the sight, loving how adorable he looks and how cute he is being flustered.

"I'll see you later, Yoongi. Thank you again." I tell him with a smile before turning back and heading towards the door. He stays silent this time, watching me leave as I near the door. Though, just before I open the door, I turn my head back to look at him.

"And by the way, Yoongi." I say, pausing with a grin. He gives me a curious look, tilting his head adorably.

"Yeah, Hoseok?" Yoongi questions, his lips forming a slight pout as he speaks. It's absolutely the cutest thing ever, loving the sound of him saying my name.

"You should smile more often. It's really cute on you." I tell him with a wink.

I watch his eyes go wide and his cheeks turn a full rosy pink before I turn back around, opening the door and walking out before he can come up with anything to say in response. With a wide smile on my face, I take my sister's hand in mine and lead her out of the beautiful piano store, taking us home.

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