Chapter 22

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Yoongi POV

"Hobi, are you sure you wanna go through with this, baby? I really don't like the idea of giving you away to him. We can find your sister and we can get her back, without having to give him what he wants." I question worriedly with a frown as I grip his hand in mine, begrudgingly starting the drive to the park where we're meant to meet the fucking devil himself. Hoseok doesn't look over at me, keeping his gaze directed out the window as the world slowly passes us by.

"I want my sister as safe as possible, as soon as possible." He responds softly, the corners of his lips drooped down in a small frown. I sigh at his answer, taking my hand off the wheel momentarily to run my hand through my hair.

"I know you do, baby. I really don't think it's a good idea to just be switching places with her though. We could easily work around the fact that she's in his possession right now and get her back shortly." I tell him gently, desperately not wanting to let Seng take him.

"Yoongi, we're making the switch, whether you like it or not. I want my baby sister safe and I want her safe as quickly as I possibly can, even if that means that I have to trade places with her. I'm willing to take any risk and do whatever it takes to get her back. He said that neither of us could argue the agreement and that there was no issues allowed to be created over the trade. Please, don't fuck this up." Hoseok snaps quietly, his tone much colder than what I think I've ever heard. I groan in frustration, growing more and more fearful of losing my boyfriend.

"Hoseok, please. You're not thinking straight. We can get her back safely without giving you over to him. I don't want you hurt, baby. I know she means the world to you, but we can work around this." I beg, not even caring how pathetic I currently sound. He lets go of my hand this time though, glaring over at me.

"Goddamn it, Yoongi! She's the last family I have left! I have spent my entire life protecting that little girl and I'm not about to stop! I'm not about to abandon her and subject her to extra unnecessary time with Seng! I'm sorry, Yoongi, but I'm not fucking backing out of this trade. I'm getting my little sister out of there as fast as I can and I'm not changing my mind about that. You're just going to have to deal with that. I don't fucking care what happens to me. All I fucking care about, is what happens to my sister." Hoseok yells angrily.

I feel tears well up in my eyes, never having thought the guy I knew to be so sweet and kind and caring, would ever yell at me. Would ever raise his voice at me like this. I never would've guessed that he could be so cold. It hurts, beginning to feel like I'm suddenly not as important to him anymore. I feel terrible for what he's just told me about his sister, but it hurts that he never brought it up before and told me. Hurts that he's so enraptured in getting her back to see how much it's hurting me.

"So I don't matter anymore. Huh?" I ask quietly, slowing my speed as we near the park. He groans, rolling his eyes at me.

"Yoongi, what the fuck are you going on about now?" Hoseok questions in annoyance. I purse my lips, disliking the feeling of them trembling as I force myself to keep my eyes on the road.

"All you care about is your sister apparently. So, I don't matter then. Right? What my thoughts and opinions are on the matter. How I feel about any of this, how I feel about you. None of what I have to say or feel matters to you anymore. Right?" I elaborate with a shaky voice, biting my lip hard as I pull into a parking space in the lot for the park. Squeezing my eyes shut for a mere moment, I look over to Hoseok to find him looking out the window once again. He stays silent for a moment though, before sighing.

"I want my sister back and safe, Yoongi. I want her out of harms way. You have to understand that." Hoseok says softly before getting out of the car. I stay in my spot for just an extra minute, feeling my heart shatter in my chest at his response.

Though, I take a deep breath and force myself out of the car. Following Hobi, we walk out to the middle of the park where we're meant to meet Seng. He shows up just seconds later, Soomi being dragged along with him. Bruises and scratches are visible all over her bare skin, eyes worried and lips trembling as she looks across to us.

"Give her over and then I'll come." Hoseok tells him, his voice steady and firm. I don't bother paying attention to the tears slowly trailing down my cheeks, watching as Seng smirks and shoves her forward. She stumbles but manages to catch herself, quickly rushing over to Hoseok and wrapping her arms around him.

"I'm so sorry, Soomi. I should've been there. I shouldn't have left you alone." Hoseok murmurs softly with a small frown before gently pulling her back and pushing her towards me. She watches with a confused and worried frown, her brother slowly making his way across the short distance before Seng grabs him by the arm and yanks him to the side.

"It was good doing business with you, Yoongi." Seng says with a smirk.

"Don't think you're going to get away with this, Seng. I will fucking end you for this shit. I will fucking find you, and make you suck your own goddamn dick. You're fucking dead. You just don't know it yet."

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