Chapter 24

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Yoongi POV

Forcing myself not to let a single tear form, I take one step forward, plans to make my way over there and drag his ass off of my baby. However, the second I do, three more men step out from the shadows, not having seen them initially, causing me to glare at all three of them as they all pull a gun out.

"I believe you're out of luck, Min. Four guns to whatever the hell you have. Doesn't look like you've got much a choice but to waltz your ass right back out the way you came." Seng says with a smirk. I clench my hands into fists at my side, disregarding the fact that I've got Jimin, Jungkook, and Namjoon waiting just outside the room.

"Get the fuck off of him, Seng. I won't repeat myself again." I repeat once more. He chuckles, looking down to Hoseok who's got his gaze casted off elsewhere with a saddened look on his face.

"Baby, what do think of that? What do you think Yoongi should do? Stay here and try to fight, get himself killed over you? Or should he just accept his loss and leave?" Seng questions with a smirk. Hoseok slowly brings his gaze back over to me, tears already forming in his eyes as his eyes land back on my figure.

"I think he just needs to leave, Master." Hoseok whispers quietly as a tear rolls down his cheek. If my heart hadn't already broken when I had to let Seng take him, it sure as hell is broken now.

"How the hell can you say that, Hoseok? Do you fucking like the abuse and being raped?!" I growl angrily, no longer fully certain of what I'm doing here anymore.

"Damn it, Yoongi! This isn't about me anymore! This is about me not wanting you to fucking die over me when I'm not worth it! I don't want to have to sit here and watch you fucking get killed because of me! You need to leave so that you don't get your ass killed!" He yells at me, his voice hoarse and cracking as more tears spill down his cheeks.

I hang my head, now more determined than ever to bring him home and get him out of here. Turning on my heel, I walk back through the doorway, pausing just a step on the other side. Glancing off to the side, I look over to Jimin who gives me a small smile. I watch as he gives the others a nod, each of them raising their guns up themselves.

"Aww, is the big bad Min Yoongi all heartbroken that he hasn't to leave his baby here?" Seng taunts loudly. I smirk though, reaching in my waistband for the gun that I've had hidden there the entire time. Keeping my eyes on Jimin, I watch as he counts to three with his fingers before I spin back around and reenter the room with the other three following close behind. With each of us pulling our guns out, bullets flying almost instantly. Thankfully, we manage to knock two of the men out almost instantly.

Letting the others deal with him, I make my way over to Hoseok and Seng. However, as I get close to them, Seng pulls the both of them up and off the chair, backing away as he points the gun at Hoseok's head. I freeze instantly at the sight, knowing I've only got one bullet left in my gun. Seng smirks almost instantly, slowly turning the gun from Hoseok to direct it at me.

"It's either him or you, Yoongi. Which is it gonna be? You've only got about thirty more seconds before I've got men flooding this room at the touch of a simple button." Seng informs me. Taking a deep breath, I hear the sound of multiple men running growing near as I raise my gun and aim for Seng's head. He smirks, raising his aim at me as well.

The nerves flooding my body at the moment are endless, hardly feeling like we're in the same room as everyone else at this point. Everything around me just feels like it's all in slow motion, glancing momentarily over to Hoseok. I can see the fear and concern in his eyes, the want to scream out but forcing himself to hold back. It breaks my heart, knowing that, if I'm not in time, I won't even know if he gets out alive. I could've gone through all of this to get him out, only for him to meet the same fate that I'm fairly certain I will.

Taking another deep breath, I close my eyes lightly, trusting and hoping as I pull the trigger. I hear the sound of both my gun and Seng's go off, feeling the kickback of the gun. My eyes screw shut though, feeling the searing pain of a bullet tearing through my body before I make impact with the concrete ground.

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