Chapter 13

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Hoseok POV

"Soomi, don't be late this morning! We're getting picked up and I don't want to keep him waiting!" I call after my sister who's still upstairs getting ready. Sighing and shaking my head to myself, I make my way over to our couch and sit down.

I feel a bit bad that Yoongi's actually coming and picking us up. It's completely out of his way, but he's also going to see the kind of place we live in, compared to the fucking mansion he's got. Granted, I'm sure the mansion is his parents, and the small house we're living in is paid by me, but still. It's a little ironic and contradictory of who we are at school, but I guess everyone's got their own things to hide.

I also definitely regretted coming home this morning. I didn't have to do much last night, having gotten home before Soomi did. Luckily, she didn't bother questioning me as to where I'd gotten the shirt from and where the one I'd been wearing that morning was. I ended up just sleeping in the sweatshirt though. It was definitely super comfy and it was just easy to deal with in terms of not having to hassle with anything else in order to get ready for bed last night. This morning, however, was a completely different story. It was a pain in the ass trying to get changed this morning, even trying to change my pants hurting like hell due to the wound on my side. I certainly missed having Yoongi there to gently help me get dressed, being so careful and gentle while pulling the clothes on...

I shake my head to myself, needing to get a grip. Yeah, he actually fucking kissed me yesterday. That doesn't really mean a whole lot though. Anyone can just fucking kiss someone and not have it really mean anything to them. Of course, it's the last thing I want, truthfully. I'd like to hope that Yoongi actually has some sort of feelings for me. His behavior when misunderstanding what the hell was going on last night would suggest that he does, but it could very well just be because of the fact that he's temperamental and I don't know him that well yet.

Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pull it out to find a text from Yoongi, saying that he's here. Sighing to myself, I stand up and move towards the stairs.

"Soomi, hurry the fuck up!" I call after her, rolling my eyes at her slowness. She's always like this in the morning, and I don't know how the hell we ever make it to school on time.

"I'm coming, chill it!" She hollers back. I scoff quietly, shaking my head at her as I move over to the door and slip my shoes on. Going back over to the couch, I sling my bag onto my shoulder just as she comes rushing down the stairs. She doesn't stop by me at all, even though I've got her school bag, going straight to the door to slip her shoes on as well.

"Who's even taking us? And when did this happen?" She asks, not looking over at me as she struggles to slide the last shoe on, not wanting to unlace them like always.

"You're seriously going to ruin those shoes by doing that one of these days, Soomi, and I'm not getting you another pair. Yoongi's taking us. And it started today." I respond, not really wanting to tell her who's taking us but knowing she'll find out anyways. She freezes in her tracks though, turning back to me slowly. I sigh, walking over to her, pushing her bag towards her.

"It'll be fine, Soomi. He's really not that bad of a person. Besides, he's your piano instructor anyways. He wasn't bad at that, now was he?" I counter her silent argument. She takes a deep breath, shaking her head at me.

"I can't believe we're letting the most dangerous guy in school drive us this morning." She mutters under her breath, shaking her head slightly. I frown at her, watching as she reluctantly takes the bag from me finally.

"Yeah? That 'most dangerous guy' happened to have saved your ass and mine from Seng. Twice now." I tell her, trying not to sound too bitter as I open the door and lead us out of the house. She scoffs quietly at me, following me out before waiting on me as I lock the house up.

"Just means that he's gonna want shit from you sooner or later. They all do. Bad guys don't change, Hobi. He's being nice now, probably because he knows he's gonna need a favor from you later on. They don't change."


Hi friends! So, I know most ppl probably don't read these :/ But for those of you that do, I've got an update/surprise for you!

If anyone's interested, I created a Twitter and insta acc for my Wattpad one! I'll be posting stuff abt updates and new stories to be expecting and as always giving love to bts and Yoongi 🥰 Hope you guys will check them out and follow!!

Twitter acc: @yoongspiedpiper
Insta acc: @yoongis_pied_piper

Thanks guys, love you all!

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