Chapter 7

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Hoseok POV

Stumbling backwards as a groan emits from my lips, I fall backwards on my ass, a hand still tightly clamped over my shoulder with the other over my side where the stab wounds are. I squeeze my eyes shut tight as my head makes contact with the hard ground beneath me, pain immediately beginning to pulse through my head.

I hear muffled footsteps come into the alley, not really being able to hear anything clearly at this point. Lifting my head up off the ground weakly, I look over at where the sounds were coming from, surprisingly not Seng this time as I instead find a familiar head of minty green hair and another head of orangey hair beside him.

Though, before I can really figure out anymore of what's going on, I'm engulfed by blackness, losing consciousness.

Feeling a small headache coming on, I slowly feel myself regaining consciousness. Forcing my heavy eyelids open, I move my head around to try and figure out where I am, knowing damn well I'm not in a hospital or at home. I find myself on a really soft and comfy bed though, the sheets a silky black and the pillowcases an ashy gray color. It's still bright outside, the sun shining through the windows and the gray curtains. It allows me to see the black carpeted flooring, the room clean and organized.

I groan quietly, not having any idea where I am. Though, when I look down at the rest of my body, I find myself still in my jeans and tucked under a fluffy gray blanket, though my shirt from this morning no longer on my body. I quickly find out why though, when I sit upright. Glancing down as the blanket falls down to my lap, I find my side all wrapped and bandaged, along with my shoulder.

Biting my lip, I carefully climb out of the comfortable bed, trying not to cause myself more pain than what I'm already in. The wounds hurt a little bit, but not as badly as earlier thankfully.

Looking around me, I quickly exit the room, still very self conscious over the fact that I have no shirt at the moment, the one I'd been wearing earlier currently nowhere to be seen. Though, wanting to figure out where I am and if anyone is even around, I cautiously exit the room and head down the hallway where a set of stairs are located. Silently, I make my way down them, making sure to keep a lookout for my surroundings and if there's anyone around. It's not necessarily that I'm looking to get the hell out of here, as whoever is here must've been the one that took care of me and my wounds, but I'd like to figure out where the fuck I am.

Though, I soon get my answer when I near the bottom of the stairs, finding Yoongi sat splayed out on the black couch he has in the living room, the television on and playing some show that I've never seen before. He must've heard me coming down the stairs though, twisting himself around to look up at me. Yoongi gives me a small smile when he spots me, motioning with his hand for me to come the rest of the way down.

"Glad to see you're awake. I was beginning to wonder when you were going to get up. How're you feeling?" Yoongi tells me lightly as I finish making my way down the steps, walking over to where he's sat. When I reach the couch, he takes his legs down off the furniture, smiling up at me as he motions for me to sit.

"I'm okay. A little sore and a bit of a headache, but nothing unbearable." I answer softly, sitting down and pulling my feet up underneath of me as I sit on the opposite side of the couch from Yoongi. He nods in response, turning his gaze back to the television in front of him.

"That's good. I can go get you some painkillers to help the headache. The stab wounds are gonna be sore for a while. You're going to need to be careful with those for a few days though, so that they can heal properly." Yoongi informs me before standing.

"Yoongi?" I speak up quietly, stopping him as he reaches my side in the process of walking out of the room. He stops, looking down at me curiously.

"Yeah, Hoseok?" Yoongi responds, a curious tone in his voice. I bite my lip, giving him a small smile.

"Thank you." I tell him softly, having tons of questions whirling around in my head but deciding just to thank him at the moment instead. He gets a shy smile on his face, cheeks tinting a light pink color.

"You're welcome."

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