Chapter 12

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Yoongi POV

Glancing down at the taller boy who's suddenly cuddled up to my side, I don't bother speaking as I know my expression says everything that needs said. I don't particularly want to talk to him right now, still frustrated over a ton of things as I hold my beer in my left hand.

"I'm sorry if I upset you again, Yoongi-ah. I'd stay if I didn't need to go home and take care of my sister." Hoseok mumbles softly as he looks up at me, a tiny smile on his lips. I just purse mine, glancing away again. Though, my head snaps back down when he presses a kiss to my chest where he'd laid his head, trying to keep myself under control. He looks back up at me shyly before leaning up and pecking my lips.

"Please don't be mad at me?" Hoseok requests in a small childlike tone. I roll my eyes at him, but can't stop the small smile from forming as he pecks my lips once more. Though, his little cute act gets interrupted when there's a knock on the door. Sighing to myself, I gently pull him off of me before standing up and going to see who's on the other side. I'm fairly certain that it's Jimin, but it wouldn't be the first time that Seng would drop by my house to make a little personal visit himself.

"Hey, hyung. You said you needed a favor?" Jimin greets lightly with a smile as I open the door. Though, his smile falls a bit as he spots the bottle of alcohol in my hand, knowing fully well that I'm currently holding back.

"Yeah. Hoseok's awake and wants to go home. Unfortunately, I already had a first before he woke up and he's demanding he goes home now. I need you to take him home, if you wouldn't mind." I explain quietly, leaning up against my doorframe. He gives me a saddened smile, nodding his head.

"Not a problem, and I'll stop back over after he's home." Jimin responds softly as he puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. I just purse my lips and nod, casting my gaze to the floor rather than at the boy in front of me that knows me too well.

"Hoseok hyung, you ready to go?" Jimin asks as he peers his head in the door to look over at the brunette. Hoseok frowns a bit, nodding his head as he stands up and makes his way over to us.

"I'll be picking you and your sister up tomorrow morning. The last thing I need his the two of you walking around again and making yourselves easy targets for Seng." I inform him as he reaches us. He looks over at me in surprise, but stays silent as he merely nods his head. With that, Jimin leads him out of my house and down to the driveway where his car is parked. I don't bother watching the two of them, closing the door and going back over to my couch with a quiet huff. Taking a couple gulps of the bitter beer, I flop back down onto the couch where I've been sat for most of the day now, flicking the television off.

I don't need the sound, I don't want the distraction. It's not going to help at this point anyways. All I can fucking think about is Hoseok, and that's not really any better either. I really shouldn't have let myself fall for him the way I have. I shouldn't have fallen for him to begin with, and certainly not to the extent that I have fallen. It's only going to put him in more danger, and him specifically too. It'll merely be a matter of time before Seng figures out which one of the Jung's that I've actually fallen for, and he's not going to stop terrorizing them until he does. And once he does figure out that it's Hoseok, it's only going to get worse from there.

He's just going to try and take him from me, hurt him and torture him because he knows it'll kill me. Because he knows I'll come after him. I'll come after him and put his dumbass in his fucking place again, and he's going to try to dominate all over again. And nobody fights their best when they're fucking distracted and actually worried over something or someone.

I don't know how I'm going to continue trying to protect them both, how I'm going to protect Hoseok. The only times I see them are now going to be when I'm taking them to school, but also only in passing in the halls and then for the piano lessons. Hoseok's probably going to be at the biggest risk the entire time too.

Groaning in frustration over the whole ordeal, I knock back the rest of the bottle before setting it on the coffee table in front of me before heading to the kitchen for another. After all, the evenings only just begun.

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