Chapter 19

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Hoseok POV

Arriving at school the next day, Yoongi and I both get out of the car with Soomi. Though, the two of us don't end up walking away from his car, already having agreed yesterday that we would have me take one more day easy before returning to classes. Luckily, Soomi hasn't found out yet, though Tae's been messaging me like crazy. I haven't bothered to tell him just quite yet about what's going on between Yoongi and I, knowing he'd lose his shit if I did. And that's the last thing I need right now.

So, the two of us stand side by side as we watch my sister walk away from us and into the school building. Though, before we can climb back into his car, Seng appears out of seemingly nowhere, approaching us with an evident smirk.

"I see the big, bad Mr. Min Yoongi is looking to settle down, huh? Never woulda pegged you to be to gay." He comments with a smirk, despite the fact that the two of us aren't showing any form of care towards each other at the moment. Though, despite having Yoongi beside me, I grow a tad nervous with Seng's proximity.

"Fuck off, Seng. You've got no business sticking your dirty fucking nose in my life." Yoongi shoots back nonchalantly, surprising myself. I bite back a small smile, trying to wrap my head around the fact that he didn't actually bother trying to hide that we've got something going on.

"Now, Min. It's not like I'm causing any trouble around here, right? I can go around and speak as I please and go wherever I please. Not like the damn cops are around to try playing with cuffs right now anyways." Seng chuckles lowly, making me grow more nervous than before.

"Yeah, but you are causing trouble. Your pissing me the fuck off. Now get the hell outta here before the goddamn school gets reminded why I'm the one everyone's fucking afraid of and not your dumb ass." Yoongi scowls. His comments unsurprisingly don't really calm me any, kind of making me feel like I'm stood in the middle of a fight that I have no business trying to break up. Seng just laughs though, a dark looking smirk on his lips as he eyes me up and down.

"Alright. It's pretty simple, Min. You get the fuck away from the Jungs and we're all good. Let me have my time and my fun with them, and then you can fuck them as you please." Seng suggests calmly, as if it's the most natural thing in the world. I instinctively reach out for Yoongi's hand though, nervous that he may somehow for whatever reason actually agree just to get this desperate dickhead off of his back. Yoongi laces his fingers through mine though, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

"You're not going anywhere near them, cocksucker. Get the fuck out of here and find somebody else's dick to suck or another girl to fuck. You touch either of them and your ass won't make it through the fucking night, I swear on my life." Yoongi growls lowly, sending shivers up my spine.

"I'll take them the easy way or the hard way, Yoongi. The hard way just happens to be more fun for me. Though, I'm sure you'll not like that at all, it'll most certainly be a lovely fun little game for me to play." Seng responds calmly, still smirking as he turns away from us with his hands in his pockets, walking away from us as if he hadn't just threatened us.

Yoongi just sighs though, shaking his head as he lets go of my hand to put his arm around my waist, gently pulling me into his side. He just leans up and kisses the side of my head lightly, leading me back around the car and over to the passenger side before opening the door up for me. We both stay quiet as I climb in, Yoongi shutting the door behind me before walking back around the car and over to his side. Starting the car up, neither of us say a word.

I just stay silent the entire time, not really sure what to say or even really think right now. I'm definitely still a little shaken up and a tad nervous from the encounter and threatening from Seng, trying hard not to completely freak out over it.

Thankfully, the drive back to Yoongi's house doesn't take too long, and soon enough, he's pulling into his driveway and parking the car. We both get out of the car without a word, Yoongi coming over to my side and wrapping an arm around my waist once more, pulling me into his side again as he leads us up to the front door. Letting him unlock it, he leads us inside and shuts the door behind us, bringing the two of us over to the couch.

"It's gonna be okay, Hoseok. I'm here and I'm not gonna let him anywhere near you. You're safe."

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