Chapter 3

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Hoseok POV

When the bell finally rings, I sigh softly and slip my things into my bag. Taehyung comes over to me almost immediately, his bag already sling over his shoulder and ready to go as he waits on me.

"You can go ahead, Tae. I've gotta go find Soomi. She starts piano lessons today and wants me to go there with her before I head off to work." I inform him with a small smile.

"Oh, okay. I'll see you tomorrow then. Don't forget I'm heading out at the end of the day tomorrow though." Tae reminds me.

"Oh, that's right! I forgot your family is taking that trip back to Daegu tomorrow." I explain with a smile, standing up and slinging my bag over my shoulder as well. He grins, nodding his head.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Hobi. Be careful with Seng and Yoongi, yeah?" Tae advises lightly as he begins to walk away with a smile. I just roll my eyes at him, shaking my head as I walk out of class as well and head the opposite way as him.

Going down the hallway alone, I keep my eyes scanning the halls in case I see Yoongi, wanting to thank him for earlier. Though, I don't spot him as I go through the halls, soon finding Soomi at her locker. Giving her a smile, I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Ready to go?" I ask gently. She gives me a small smile and nods her head, letting us be able to leave now.

Neither of us exchange a word as we walk out, but I don't really mind. I imagine she's still a little shaken up from the whole incident with Seng earlier, and I can't blame her. Hell, I'm still a little shaken up from it. I've never had a guy fucking hit on me before, and for that to have been the first time and in that manner... I mentally shake my head in hopes of clearly the thoughts away.

"You okay from earlier, Soomi?" I ask softly, rubbing her back gently as I look over to my sister. She gives me a tiny smile, nodding her head.

"Yeah, I'm okay. It was just kinda weird and a little scary. Guys have hit on me before but not like that. I'm more just kinda nervous for the piano lessons right now, honestly." She responds shyly. I just smile, shaking my head at her.

"You don't have anything to be worried about, Soomi. You'll do great and I'm sure you'll get a wonderful instructor. They'll know that you've never played before and that it'll take some time for you to learn and to pick up on things." I tell her lightly. She leans her head on my shoulder with a soft sigh.

"I hope so, Hobi. I'd really like to learn how to play. I just don't want to look like a fool and make an idiot out of myself while trying to learn." Soomi mumbles quietly.

"You've got nothing to worry about. Nobody just suddenly knows how to do something, Soomi. It takes time and practice. You've gotta learn how to do it before you can start perfecting things. Just like dance." I remind her. She just gives me a small smile in return.

The rest of the walk to the piano store is silent between the two of us, both lost in our thoughts the entire way there. I smile lightly when we finally reach it though, impressed by just how nice the building looks. Hell, it looks insanely expensive.

Looking down to my sister, I lead her into the building, opening the door and holding it for her. She gives me a light bow before walking in ahead of me, letting me follow her in before taking the lead again as we go back to where the workers are behind the desk.

"Hi there! How can we help you this afternoon?" One of them asks brightly.

"We're here for my sister's piano lessons. Jung Soomi." I explain with a smile. They nod their head, typing a few things into the computer.

"Alright. Right this way. He's in the back already and waiting." The guy tells us. We just nod, following him around the counter and down one of the halls. Already, we can hear the beautiful sound of a piano being played, a smile on my face at the sweet sound as the guy leads us closer and closer to it. He stops right in front of a door that's shut, turning back to us.

"He's right in here. Just knock." He informs us before walking away again. I look over to Soomi who just backs away from the door. I chuckle softly, shaking my head at her as I knock on the door for her.

"Come in!" A familiar voice calls out. I motion with my head for Soomi to get up here, opening the door for her. She gives me a mild frown, walking ahead of me and going inside the room. However, I'm completely taken aback when I spot that familiar head of mint green hair sat inside the room at the piano.

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