Chapter 6

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Yoongi POV

"How'd the piano lesson go yesterday, hyung?" Jimin asks curiously as we make our way to school together. I feel a shy smile tugging at my lips, remembering how sweet Hoseok had been and his little comment at the end before running out. I ruffle my hair out of being flustered, a smile managing to slip onto my lips.

"They went well. It was actually Soomi who I was giving lessons to, it turns out." I answer, knowing I can actually trust Jimin and tell him everything. He looks over at me with a little teasing smirk, and I already know what's coming.

"Oh really? So, was Hoseok there too then?" Jimin asks, clearly hoping for a little something. I just give him a playful push, glaring at him.

"Fuck off, Park. Don't be getting any ideas. But, yeah he was there. Apparently, he was just gonna drop Soomi off, but I think she was still a little shaken up from Seng. He ended up staying the entire time." I explain. Jimin just chuckles, ruffling my hair.

"Well clearly something happened, because your gummy smile decided to make an appearance when I asked about the lessons, hyung. So, wanna share?" Jimin nudges. I scoff, rolling my eyes and giving him a pout.

"You're so mean to me sometimes, I swear." I mumble in a pout, knowing I've already lost this little battle. Jimin chuckles in response, clearly amused.

"Hoseok thanked me for intervening in the Seng incident yesterday. Said he figures I don't ever get thanked and that most people would usually run off, and just wanted to say thank you. He also thanked me for being patient and helping his sister with the piano lessons." I inform him shyly, a small smile appearing on my lips again. I rub the back of my neck shyly, wishing I didn't always get so flustered when the topic of Jung Hoseok comes up.

"Aww, hyung! That's adorable! But, I know you're still withholding information from me. Something caused that gummy smile to appear, and not just a simple tiny little thank you like those would do that." Jimin teases, nudging me once more. I pout, shooting him another playful glare in response.

"Park Jimin, you're just a bunch of trouble, I swear. Hoseok said that I should smile more, okay? He said it looks cute on me." I mumble, the last part coming out quietly as I grow super shy over it. Jimin squeals almost immediately, chuckling and ruffling my hair.

"Oooh! Aww, hyung! See! You might have an actual chance with him! Maybe he'll keep coming to his sisters lessons and be his little protector from Seng. Then before ya know it, you two will already be together!" Jimin cheers, nudging me teasingly. I just huff, pouting at his reaction.

"Doubtful. I think he was supposed to have work or something instead of staying for the entire lesson. Besides, Seng shouldn't be messing with them anymore hopefully." I mutter in dejectedly. Jimin just slings an arm over my shoulder though, shaking his head.

"Don't be so down on yourself, hyung. He said that your smile, the one you hate most, is cute on you. Maybe he's more interested in you than you think." Jimin tells me, trying to cheer me up. I just give him a tiny smile, grateful to have such a wonderful best friend.

Though, as we near an alleyway that we usually use as a shortcut to get to school faster, we both freeze in our tracks at the sound of something dropping with a thud, whimpering coming from the alley. I look over at Jimin worriedly, the orange haired boy glancing over at me with a matching expression before we look back to the alley. Though, as soon as we hear Seng's voice speaking, we both take off running towards where the sounds are coming from.

My heart now trying to beat out of my chest, I panic that it may be Hoseok or Soomi that Seng is bothering again. It's the last thing I need, the last thing I want. I remember how nervous Soomi had been yesterday, knowing a good portion of it had been from Seng and probably a little bit from myself as well. I don't want either of them getting hurt, don't want anything to happen to either of them, even if I am only interested in Hoseok. I could see just how much his sister meant to him yesterday, and the last thing I want is for something to happen to her for him. I can't imagine just how much it would break him. Though, I know all too well that it could easily go the other way as well.

Quickly reaching the entrance of the alleyway, Jimin and I turn down it in an instant. However, I nearly freeze out of pure fear for the sight before me, wishing I'd been so fucking wrong.

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