Chapter 21

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Hoseok POV

"Alright, baby. You ready to go home?" Yoongi asks with a small sigh as he gives me a small smile, grabbing his keys off the side table by his door. I bite my lip, still struggling to believe that we're actually dating. I just smile, nodding my head as I grab my phone from the coffee table in front of his couch. Walking over to him, his smile grows as he leans up and pecks my lips lightly. Though, before we can exit the house, Yoongi's phone rings, causing the both of us to freeze in our tracks with the door open. He frowns, pulling his phone out of his back pocket and looking at the notification.

"Jimin? What the hell-" Yoongi begins to question with a small frown before seeming to get cut off. I watch worriedly as his face falls, gaze slowly moving back over to me. Though, before he can say anything to me or whatever, my own phone begins ringing. Pulling it out of my pocket hesitantly, I feel my heart rate increase immensely at the unknown number, somehow worrying me more with the fact that Yoongi already looks worried on the phone with Jimin himself.

"Hello?" I answer quietly, taking a couple steps back and leaning against the wall behind me, my gaze locked on Yoongi. He's watching me as well, seeming to grow even more worried.

"Who is it, baby?" Yoongi asks softly as he pulls his own phone away from his face for a moment.

"Hoseok. Somehow, I knew you would pick up my call."

My eyes widen, lips falling slack as I feel my blood go cold. I slowly slide down the wall, falling to the floor.

"No..." I whisper, not wanting to believe it, not wanting to believe what's not even confirmed yet.

"Already assuming things when I've not even told you anything yet, Hoseok. I suppose there is a reason you're one of the top in the class, hmm? Figured out my news without me needing to even give it to you." He says, and I can annoyingly hear the smirk on his face as he speaks.

Yoongi kneels down in front of me worriedly, cupping my cheek gently as he looks down at me. He's still got his phone pressed to his ear, but it's clear that his attention is solely on me at the moment.

"Please, don't-don't hurt her or do anything to her. Please, you can have me instead, just don't hurt her." I respond fearfully, reaching out for Yoongi. He reaches out in response instantly, taking my hand in his.

"Hobi, no. I'm not letting him take you. He's not allowed to have either of you. I've got Jimin on the line, and we're gonna go find her, baby. He's not getting either of you." Yoongi says with a small frown, giving my hand a light squeeze.

"Hmm... That's an interesting proposition, Jung Hoseok. I do think you might be more fun to toy with. Your sister seems to just be a bit of a screamer. Much too loud for my taste. I prefer watching you writhe and squirm, being able to hear you but not to the point where it's just annoying and painful." Seng answers my offer, making me squeeze not only my eyes shut, but squeeze Yoongi's hand fearfully too. He rubs his thumb over the back of my hand gently, bringing it up and kissing it softly. I look back up at him with tears in my eyes, unbelievably terrified.

"Please. Please, I'll do anything. Just don't hurt her. Leave my baby sister alone. Take me instead." I beg quietly, feeling hot tears beginning to slowly roll down my warm cheeks.

"Oh, I like the sound of you begging, Hoseok. I think I'll make the trade. I'll meet you and Yoongi at the park down the block from school. I don't want anyone else anywhere nearby at all or even listening in when we meet. I don't want any fights or arguments or difficulties with you or Yoongi though. Be there in an hour. No sooner, no later."

With that, he hangs up. I finally let the phone fall from my hand as I reach out to Yoongi with my other hand. He doesn't hesitate in sliding his phone between his shoulder and his ear, reaching his other hand out as well. Within seconds, I'm scooped up in his arms, instantly breaking down and crying like a little kid as I curl into his chest, letting him carry me over to the couch.

"Jimin, we're gonna have to figure something out. Seng just made an agreement to release Soomi if we give him Hoseok in return. I don't have all of the details yet, but it's not looking good." Yoongi speaks into the phone with his gaze still on me, sitting down on the couch as he pulls me into his chest tightly, letting me bury myself into him as best I can, sobbing my heart out.

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