Chapter 23

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Hoseok POV

Snapping awake to the feeling of getting smacked across the face, I jolt awake with wide eyes as I look up to find Seng knelt down in front of me.

"Have a good sleep, baby?" He asks with a smirk, sitting down on my lap as he straddles me. I've already been stripped down to nothing but my boxers, whipped and beaten to the point where everything just hurts. I mentally groan, hating all of this. Hating him.

"Yes, Master." I reply quietly, feeling disgusting for having to call him that. Feeling disgusting for letting him sit on me like this. For letting him use me and abuse me. I nearly regret leaving Yoongi and putting myself into this, but I'd always rather it be me suffering through this than Soomi. Than my baby sister. And, as much as I want to hope and believe that this will all end soon, I have very little belief in those ideas. The only one who'd ever have a chance of finding me being Yoongi, and those are extremely slim chances. Considering Seng made sure that there would be no one following us and Yoongi probably doesn't feel any deal reason to come after me anymore. Not after the way I spoke to him and treated him right before I handed myself over. I was a dick and so neglectful of his feelings and thoughts, so fucking wrapped up in getting my sister out of here that I wouldn't listen and that I treated him so poorly. Hell, I fucking raised my voice on him, and after the multiple years that I've been best friends with Tae, I've never even raised my voice on him. I don't deserve to get found and released. Besides, it'd just put Yoongi in harms way and it's the last thing I want for him.

"Oh, baby. Come on now. You can be more enthusiastic for this dick, can't you?" Seng coos, grinding down on my crotch. I squeeze my eyes shut, not even feeling turned on by his started actions. Hell, I've gotten in fucking trouble already enough times for not getting turned on because of him, and I can't do a whole lot about that. The only person who I'd ever want doing this to me, the only person who's probably ever going to be able to turn me on, is Yoongi. Is the one person who probably no longer cares for my presence or existence anymore anyways.

Though, just as I get smacked across the face for not responding or giving any reaction, there's a sudden banging at the warehouse room door. My eyes snap open as I look over at the door, hearing more banging against it as Seng smirks. I don't get to watch and see though, Seng grabbing my chin roughly and turning my head to face him. My eyes are wide at this point, nothing like this having happened before for the last two days I've been locked up here. Though, my mind is instantly taken from what's happening outside when Seng smashes his lips against mine, moving his lips roughly against mine, making me whimper quietly as he begins grinding down on me again. If it weren't for the fact that I'd get in a shit ton of trouble and my hands being bound to the chair I'm stuck in, I'd have shoved him off of me, wanting to know what's happening as the sound of the door suddenly flying off its hinges rings throughout the entire room.

"Get the fuck off of him."

My eyes widen, yanking my head back away from the male on top of me as my head snaps in the direction of the beautiful familiar voice. However, my entire body freezes as the ice cold metal of the barrel of a gun gets gently pushed into the bottom of my chin. I'm not too certain that my breath doesn't hitch unknowingly, terrified to even so much as swallow at the feeling.

"Now, Yoongi. He's no use to either of us dead." Seng says in a tauntingly calm tone, not stopping his ministrations of grinding on me. I'm still nowhere near getting turned on, unbelievably fearful for my life as my gaze stays locked on the mint green haired boy stood just a few steps inside the doorway.

"Get. The fuck. Off of him." Yoongi growls lowly, his voice sounding dangerously dark and threatening, a complete contrast to the look in his eyes that's the only piece of him showing just how worried and heartbroken he is at the sight before him. I bite my lip, finally tearing my gaze away from the older boy as guilt and shame fills me. Here he is, coming to try and help me when I don't deserve it, when I caused him so much pain and worry all this time.

"Why? Does it piss you off, Min? Do you not like the sight of your little fuck toy become my sex slave?"

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