Chapter 11

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Hoseok POV

Standing here with my hands on Yoongi's hips, this is the last position I'd ever thought I'd be in with this hyung. Dropping any and all questions I have at the moment, trying not to let Yoongi completely overthink what I'd said or done. He stays silent though, eyes flickering between my own in search for something. I just give him a small smile though, shaking my head at whatever it is he's looking for before leaning down and pecking his lips gently. He just huffs shyly in response, his cheeks warming up to a light shade of pink as he crosses his arms over his chest like a little kid. However, a confused look soon dawns his pale face, face crinkling up a bit as he turns his head back up to look at me.

"Why am I confusing?" Yoongi questions, his lips in a light pout as he speaks. I chuckle softly, smiling down at him.

"Because, hyung. Everyone makes you out to be this dark and dangerous person that nobody wants to be around, that you're all cold and mean and harsh. Yet, I've not seen that side of you once. I don't see this cold blooded person everyone at school speaks of. You're just sweet and cute and kind and helpful. Not some monster everyone thinks you are." I explain in a gentle tone, still smiling all the while. However, he sighs, the confusion from his face dropping down to some form of sadness as he gently pushes me away and picks up the opened beer bottle from the counter behind him.

"You're probably better off listening to everyone else's warnings, Hoseok. Things'll be better that way." Yoongi mumbles softly as he steps away from me and lifts the bottle up. Though, I snatch it from him before he can take a sip, still needing to get home. He glares over at me, clearly agitated over having lost his drink.

"The fuck?" Yoongi questions quietly in a cold tone.

"Yoongi, I still need to get home. My sister is gonna be home within the next hour and she's going to freak out if I'm not there when she gets home." I tell him softly, not wanting to upset him anymore than I already have. He just scoffs though, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah? I just finished a bottle about five minutes before you came downstairs, Hoseok. Technically I'm not remotely intoxicated enough that I can't drive, but I don't imagine you're gonna feel comfortable with that, now are you? Just fucking call her and tell her you're staying at a friends house or some shit." Yoongi responds in a bitter tone before snatching the bottle back out of my hands. My heart sinks a bit, beginning to wonder if he actually took the kiss as seriously as I did.

"How much have you had to drink?" I ask softly, worried for what the answer is.

"Hoseok, I'm hardly intoxicated, okay? I only had one fucking bottle. I'm not a goddamn alcoholic or some shit. I'm still completely in my right mind and know what the fuck I'm doing and saying, if you're worried about the fucking kiss. They talk about me being fucking dangerous, Hoseok. Not a goddamn alcoholic. There's a reason for that." Yoongi snaps, taking a couple gulps of the beer before beginning to head towards the door of his kitchen.

"Yoongi, she's not going to want to be alone tonight. I had to send her off running when Seng got there this morning. She's gonna be fucking terrified of staying alone right now. I need to be home for her." I speak up again, not really wanting to leave but not wanting to make my sister suffer. He groans in frustration, running a hand through his hair.

"Fucks sake, okay! I'll have Jimin come pick you up and take you home." Yoongi grumbles before exiting the kitchen. I just bite my lip, looking down to the floor with a tiny frown.

I feel really bad that I've upset him again. I really don't want to leave. I'd honestly love to just stay and spend the night with him. I just, it's hard when I have to be there for my sister. She's the last thing I've got, the last person I have. I have to protect her, I have to take care of her and be there for her. I'm all she has. So, if I'm not home for her and not there for her, then it would hurt the both of us. And I can't do that to her.

Sighing in frustration with myself, I run hand through my hair before following Yoongi back into the living room as well. Walking over to the couch, I decide I might as well try to make amends while I'm still here with him before Jimin takes me home. I go over to him and sit down right beside of him before curling into his side a bit, looking up at him and resting my chin on his shoulder. He looks down at me with an unamused expression, cocking an eyebrow to silently ask the question of what I'm doing.

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