Chapter 10

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Yoongi POV

Glancing back up at Hoseok's milk chocolate eyes from his lips, there's a glint of something in them, though I'm not entirely sure what it is. It worries me and excites me all at once, wondering what the hell is going through his mind. Though, I soon get my answer when he suddenly leans in the short distance and connects our lips in such a soft manner. I nearly want to just pull away and scream and jump around out of excitement and happiness, though I'm not at all dumb enough to ruin a moment like this that way.

I don't hesitate in molding my lips to his, letting him guide the kiss as we slowly begin to move our lips together in time, his right hand finding its way to my waist while his left hand cups my cheek gently. I'm beyond excited and happy right now, feeling completely in bliss as our lips move together, even if I'm somewhat holding myself back like I've been since he came down here without a shirt. Despite the fact that I've got a shirt on of my own, my skin still manages to light up at his touch, feeling him gently brush his thumb over my side where his hand is currently placed. I merely reach up to place my hand on his cheek as well, copying his actions a bit but not being able to put a hand on his waist in worry of potentially hurting the stab wound that he's got on his side there.

This goes on for what feels like eternity, but is more realistically a minute before he pulls away again, causing me to pull away as well and look up at him. He's got a confusing smile on his lips, seemingly a mixture of contentment with a hint of smugness within it as he looks down at me. I'm certain by now that my cheeks are most likely a bright red color, feeling myself quickly becoming shy.

"Who would've guessed the most feared guy in our school could be so cute and such a good kisser." Hoseok murmurs quietly with that small smile of his. His words make my heart sink in my chest though, somehow feeling like I've just been used or as though this was just more of a joke to him than anything else.

Realizing our hands are still in the same place they'd been during the kiss, I pull myself away from him and move myself back to the other end of the couch, remaining silent. Though, being much too frustrated and pissed with myself for allowing myself to be played with and toyed like that, I just end up shoving myself up off the couch moments later. I can feel his gaze still locked on me, but I try to ignore it.

"Yoongi-ah, where are you going?" Hoseok calls out, suddenly sounding worried. I just scoff, rolling my eyes.

"Why the fuck does it matter to you?" I question coldly as I pause when I reach the kitchen door.

"But-I thought..." Hoseok stumbles over his words quietly, no longer an ounce of happiness or amusement in his voice.

"Please, Hoseok, tell me. What exactly were you thinking?" I challenge, turning back around to look at him blankly. I can see the sadness and pain swirling together in his eyes as he looks up at me from where he's still sat on the couch.

"Did I do or say something wrong, Yoongi? I-I didn't mean to upset you." He mumbles, standing up and walking around the couch with an arm wrapped around his waist to hold his bandaged wound there. I clench my jaw, holding my frustration and anger back a bit.

"No, Hoseok. I just fucking enjoy being fucking toyed with." I snap in an icy tone as I turn back on my heel and push the door open, heading into the kitchen. I hear quick footsteps follow behind me, but I ignore it as I make my way over to my fridge and pull out a few beers. Setting three out on the counter, I take the fourth and crack it open.

"Yoongi, what makes you think I would toy with you?" Hoseok questions as he bursts through the door, coming straight over to me. Groaning in annoyance, I slam the open bottle down on my counter before turning around. He's within arms reach by now, but stops just at that point, not coming any closer.

"I dunno, maybe your little fucking comment there right after you fucking kissed me." I growl lowly, tired of this bullshit already. He frowns at my response though, shaking his head slowly as he steps forward so that he's right in front of me. All I can do is glare up at him, even as he gently places his hands on my waist.

"Yoongi, it was just a little comment. It meant nothing more than the fact that I think you're cute and that you're a good kisser. Nothing more or less than that. There's no secret code behind any of it. You're just a little confusing to me, but that's all. And I didn't even mention that before."

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