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I've been good with animals all my life. Humans are the ones I have trouble with.❞ ㅡ Isabel Magnolia


Chapter four:


Grey eyes, sharp and focused, scrutinized the city from above, searching for a certain woman with red-velvet hair. While glancing around the streets, Levi felt something akin to eagerness; for some unknown reason, it was becoming a familiar sensation lately. No, that wouldn't be accurate at all. Truth be told, the man knew the reason behind such an odd fact, and it irked him to no end.

It is unconscionable to apply the word infatuated to how Levi felt about that cocky little shit, yet he couldn't place his eagerness to see her. It irritated him beyond belief how she had invaded his mind and gotten under his skin enough to break down his emotional walls of self-preservation, but he was damn sure he wouldn't let her get any closer.

Yet again, it seemed part of him enjoyed the churning sensation in his stomach, and Levi found himself unable to avoid her; hence his irritation towards his own judgement — or lack of it. 

"Tch, that annoying idiot."

She was slowly driving him mental.

Clicking his tongue in annoyance, he cursed aloud as his gaze kept looking for the elusive woman. His hand reached for his hair to run his slender fingers through his dark locks, and his eyes closed in exasperation. It was always like that; whenever he tried to find her, it would be to no avail. Oddly enough, it was her who had an unnerving tendency to localize him without any kind of effort.

Trusting his instincts, Levi sat down on the edge of the roof before laying down on its cold surface. When she appeared, however, she wasn't alone.

It was her voice what made him sit up, but he only became intrigued when another person spoke. Levi peered over the edge of the roof, keeping his presence hidden in his stillness. 

"You thought you could outrun us, bitch?" a man in his fourties snarled at her, stepping out of the crowd of thugs that had formed around Galene. 

Her confidence shone in the way she held herself, not cowering at the sight of so many criminals. 

"It wouldn't be the first time." Her voice was like ice, cutting through the humid air with deadly intentions. A knife was gripped in her hand, yet her body was still — Levi could almost see her muscles tensing, ready to jump into action. "But maybe we can have some fun instead."

The man laughed loudly, making some of his sheep join in. "I've been dying to see what's so fucking great about you, Galene. And unfortunately for you, they don't care about your condition." He pulled out a longer knife and took a step forward. "They want your head, attached or not."

Levi saw her usual smirk curl on her chapped lips, and curiosity struck his mind — was she really going to fight that many thugs on her own?

"I'd like to see you try, bastard."

One of the thugs made an attempt to attack her, but the man suddenly punched him in the face and sent him sprawling on the dirty ground. A furious look was drawn on his red face. "Don't you fucking dare, or I'll kill you!" He grinned, showing his cracked teeth. "She's mine."

For a fleeting second, Levi hesitated and his muscles tensed up. A mixture of curiosity and interest kept him there, watching the scene unfold instead of coming to her aid. He wanted to see why Galene had the reputation she held; why she was known all over the Underground City — and beyond, as it seemed — as one of the strongest thugs around. 

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