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The essence of what we see and what is are two completely different things.❞ ㅡ Hange Zöe


Chapter twenty-seven:


Levi glared at the purple wound formed on his collarbone as he stood shirtless in front of the bathroom mirror. Clicking his tongue, he rolled his shoulder and grimaced as a wave of pain shot from it. His eyes narrowed in vexation as his mind travelled back to the moment he had been attacked by her; he still had trouble figuring out why he had let Galene storm out after said actions. 

If only Levi had allowed her to lash out and assault the damn nurse instead; he himself felt rather irked by his lack of common sense. For a nurse, she sure was an idiot.

After giving the nasty wound one last glance, Levi bent over the sink and splashed cold water on his face. He waited like that for some minutes, with droplets sliding down his skin and meeting one another on the white surface. With a sigh, he ran a hand through his jet-black hair and walked out, heading for the clean shirt he had previously placed on his bed. As he proceeded to put it on, however, the man took a look out of the open window.

Darkness coated the outside world, and only a path of white tears shone over the few trees spread around the building. A dense fog was approached from the forest, like a veil of mystery lurking within and watching, expectant.

Levi went to turn away, when something caught his attention and his grey eyes fell upon the shadowy form of a person walking towards the building. As it took shape upon coming closer, his features contorted and he swore under his breath.

With determined strides, the man left his room and went to greet her by the front door. He caught up with her just as she was closing it, still turned away and unaware of his presence.


He saw her tense up at once, followed the movements of her right hand as it casually tugged at the collar of her shirt before looking up to meet her brown gaze as she turned around. There was a fire within, hints of turmoil and anger that she expressed by narrowing her eyes.

"Where have you been?" he inquired in flat voice.

"Does it matter?" she snapped, before her shoulder lifted and her head tilted. "Went for some fresh air. I needed to clear my head, or I would've put the nurse's on a spike."

Despite the situation, Levi felt the urge to smirk at her choice of words. Stretching, Galene walked by him and sent him a knowing look. "I take it Isabel is still sedated." 

Levi glanced at her from the corner of his eyes as they strolled down the long corridor and nodded. "Farlan is keeping an eye on her, just in case."

"What did the nurses say?" she forced out.

"Apart from letting shit fall from her mouth because of you," he started and ignored her huff of mock disbelief. "Isabel should be fine by morning."

A hum of acknowledgement was her response, and some seconds of comfortable silence crashed between them before Galene groaned. "What a day," she muttered under her breath.

Raising an eyebrow, Levi gave her a long stare and wondered if there was a hidden meaning in her words. He opened his mouth, but as his gaze drifted down her neck, something caught his eye and he stopped walking.

She noticed. "What?"

"You're bleeding."

Her feet came to a halt, but the woman didn't turn to look at him. He glared at her back, annoyed by her sudden silence and mystery. "Gaㅡ"

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