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People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to all of us who do.❞ ㅡ Johan


Chapter two:


Galene Magnolia gave a relieved sigh as the door shut behind her, locking out the curious eyes of those who had witnessed her arrival. Dropping the stolen equipment on her unmade bed, she kicked off her worn-out shoes and stretched, eliciting grunts from her knotted back. After her encounter with Levi and his gang, she felt a wave of exhaustion coursing through her body. Nevertheless, a satisfied smirk curled on her lips as her eyes fell upon her new toy.

She could already imagine herself flying through the city, and that glimpse of freedom was enough to drive her sour mood away.

Her eyebrows drew together for a fleeting moment as irksome realization washed over her; she would need to study the device before being able to use it, not to mention, find a place to train without having to worry about the Military Police.

Or worse: a powerful enemy who was always watchful, eager to get their numerous hands on her.

Galene was certain they would not hesitate to chase after her were she to stumble upon them, and while getting roughed up was nothing she wasn't used to, she knew there were worse things than death waiting for her if she was caught. It was a hell she wouldn't walk through again.

With a click of her tongue, the woman stalked over to the small fridge standing by the foot of the bed. Reaching inside, she pulled out a bottle of whiskey and sat at the round, wooden table she had recently placed in a corner. Her eyes shifted to give a quick glance around her room, once again noticing the oppressive absence of space, light and fresh air.

Then again, that was the Underground City itself.

A knock on the door gained her attention, pulling her gaze away from the flickering lamp by the table.

"Get lost," she voiced, loud enough to cut through the wood. Much to her disappointment and annoyance, another knock echoed in the air. The chair whined as she stood abruptly. "Give me a break, damn it. I just got back."

A young man with curly, brown hair smirked at her when she opened the door, causing her to give an exasperated sigh.

"Not excited to see me, G?" he asked as she rolled her eyes and let him in. Flopping down on the chair she had been sitting on, he eyed the bottle and hummed. "I see you don't waste time."

Sitting down in front of him, Galene shrugged and took a swig from it. "You never know when you're going to drop dead. May as well enjoy yourself while you're alive, Johan."

With a shake of his head, Johan let out a breathy laugh. "Always the optimistic one. What happened today that got you in such a good mood?"

There was a rare tone in her voice; a hesitant glint in her brown gaze. "I ran into my sister."

A baffled expression crossed his features.

"I thought she was dead."

Her lips pursed into a thoughtful frown, and she ran a hand through her messy hair while leaning back. Her encounter with her younger sister had surprised her, and she still had trouble wrapping her head around the fact that Isabel was alive.

"I assumed she was," she rebuked in a low voice. "She was a kid when I was taken; she got sick very easily and couldn't defend herself without my aid. But I guess being alone forces you to overcome your limits, which says a lot about her willpower."

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