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If we focus on making the best moves, we will never get the better of our opponent. When necessary, we must be willing to take the big risks and be prepared to lose everything.❞ ㅡ Erwin Smith


Chapter eighteen:


No sound was made by her feet as Galene skipped along the dark hallway, only to halt upon reaching the front door. The building had turned out to be empty, silent for that very same reason. By the looks of it, no one had been inside for a very long time; the smell of rust permeated the air, and she had found few objects in the small rooms: a broken table, two chairs lying on the floor and plastic bags. Everything was covered in dust. 

The lack of activity bothered her. 

Galene frowned as her mind mulled over the possible meaning; she had initially come to the conclusion Everhart had had a very simple goal, one they had made into a trap for her. However, something didn't feel right about it.

There was more to it, but Galene couldn't figure out what exactly. 

She shook her head. For now, she had to focus on her plan and believe that everything would fall into place when it was over.

Slipping outside without being seen by anyone, she recoiled until her body was hidden in the shadow of another building. So far, she had only run into three thugs. They never stood a chance, but Galene hadn't found it necessary to end their lives and had merely knocked them out. Then, she had locked them in a cell, hands and legs tied so as to make it impossible for them to escape.

She was far from worried, however; her mind was collected, concentrated. 

Three buildings stood at the end of the street, putting an abrupt end to it and to Everhart's district. As far as Galene knew, the biggest one ㅡ the one in the middle ㅡ was the headquarters themselves; she expected to find more thugs there, along with the head of the organization. The other two, way smaller, had different purposes: to keep the children they kidnapped at bay in cells, and to store their weapons and other useful things.

Taking a quick glance at her surroundings, Galene marched towards the warehouse. It wasn't made of the same, cracked stone. Galene had been there when Everhart had decided to create it; she had seen children carrying heavy planks, building it within days.

Some of them hadn't made it.

Making sure her silhouette remained concealed at all times, she soon found herself crouched beneath the only window in sight. Her back touched the wall lightly as she took advantage of the few trash bins in the alleyway to hide. A smirk formed on her lips as her eyes caught a glimpse of a gleaming piece of glass; it was just what she needed. 

Angling it so she could see what was at the other side of the window, Galene tensed at the sound of voices. She counted two thugs so far, yet as she turned the glass to the left, another two appeared on its reflection. The building was two floors high, but no sound came from the upper one.

She skipped away, jogging toward the back of the building. Looking around, she bit her lip as she found another window. It was located on the second floor, and a high fence stood in front; the limits of the district made it too easy for her to sneak in.

Climbing up the fence, she swiftly jumped towards the roof. No noise was heard as she used her hands to propel her body up and onto it. She then lay down; not because she was tired, but because she'd be spotted right away were someone to glance up. Slowly, she let her body slid towards the window. Ignoring the dizziness swimming in her head as she held the corner of the window with her hands to avoid a deadly fall, she peered inside. A single man was sitting at a round table; other than him, it was empty.

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