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Do you always want to live hiding behind the mask you put for the sake of others? You're you, and there's nothing wrong with that.❞ ㅡ Ymir


Chapter eleven:


A knock on the door pulled her from her dream, ripping her mind from the peaceful state it had been immersed in for hours and dropping it back on the real world with a painful, silent thud.

Groaning out of utter irritation, Galene opened her eyes, only to realize no rays of the sun were dancing in the room. It was dark; long shadows formed along the wooden floor as moonlight seeped in through a crack between the curtains. With a huff, she rolled over to face the wall and closed her eyes.

It was way too late ㅡ or too early ㅡ for her to be in the mood to entertain whoever that was waiting outside. It was probably someone who wanted to either annoy her, or to get in her pants. The reason mattered not, in the end.

The ruffling of sheets reminded her Isabel was still there, so she quickly discarded the second option and blamed her sleepy brain on her dumb conjectures. Pulling the blanket up to her chin, Galene let out a deep breath and attempted to return to that peaceful state of mind.

Knock, knock.

Biting back a growl, the woman opened her eyes and narrowed them into slits. She had hoped they would stop knocking on her door after realizing she wasn't going to answer it, but if anything, the taps on the door became louder, almost impatient. Fleetingly, Galene casted a glance towards her sister, only to notice she had yet to wake up. 

Unable to understand how she could manage to sleep soundly when someone was threatening to break down the door, she frowned in envy before whining as another knock shook the room.

Determined to tear apart whoever that was on the other side with her bare hands, she threw the covers away from her body and stomped over. Yanking the door open, a trail of curses was on its way out of her mouth, but she was beat to it.

"Did you just whine?"

Snapping her mouth shut, Galene blinked twice before casually leaning against the frame. "It was Isabel." After receiving a look of disbelief, however, she shuffled on her feet and crossed her arms over her chest. "Give me a good reason not to beat you to death, Levi. You woke me up, asshole."

Said man regarded her with slight-amused eyes for some seconds, as if he were daring her to approach. Eventually, as none of them moved, he clicked his tongue. "That was the fucking point. I've been standing here for ten minutes. Stop wasting my time."

Her lips curled into a playful smirk, and she hummed. 

"What?" he snapped after reading her expression.

"Coming here so late at night..." She paused, ready for the punchline. "So determined to get me to answer the door..."

Levi sent her a dark look. "What the fuck are you implying?"

Tilting her head, she stepped closer and whispered, "Did you get me out of bed to take me to yours?"


Then, she yelped. "That was uncalled for," she growled while rubbing the side of her head, right where she had been hit. "Learn to take a joke, damn it."

Levi merely stared at her with emotionless eyes, obviously unimpressed with her strange act. 

After a minute, he gave an exasperated sigh and walked over to the wall behind to lean against it. "Erwin has called for us."

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