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Only victors are allowed to live. This world is merciless like that.❞ ㅡ Mikasa Ackerman


Chapter nine:


The sun shone in a blue sky, shedding light to the world that spread underneath. Some clouds roamed about, like sentinels keeping watch on those poor souls that lived within the Walls.

A bird chirped nearby, and Galene turned her head sideways to catch a glimpse of its yellowish shape before it disappeared in between the leaves of the trees. A pang of jealousy tugged at her heart as she let her eyes wander around the area, only for them to narrow as they landed on another flying animal.

Jealous of birds. That's weird even for you, she thought to herself.

"Snap out of it, brat."

A glare was sent his way, before Galene clicked her tongue in irritation and flicked him off.

Averting her gaze from his expectant one, she mounted the horse that had been assigned to her and pursed her lips. Seconds later, footsteps approached her, and she didn't need to look to know who was now standing on her right.

"We need to talk," Isabel stated. "I've been meaning to ask you for a long time, but... Well, can we talk?"

Biting back an exasperated sigh, the oldest of the Magnolia sisters wanted nothing more than to turn around and leave. She had a bad feeling about that conversation; but she would be lying if she said it was unexpected. It was only natural for Isabel to question her about the past, or the reason they parted ways. 

Galene glanced at her. "Now's not a good time."

It was Expedition Day; which meant every soldier had to abandon the building to fight for humanity in the outside world. As she had agreed on previously, Galene was one of those soldiers.

So instead of running off to some place where no one could bother her, the woman forced herself to stand her ground and face her sister. "We can do this later."

Fortunately, Isabel seemed satisfied with her reply, for she nodded with a grin and went off to stand next to Farlan's horse. Galene watched as they got immersed in a conversation, laughing every now and then and smiling like nothing was worth their worries ㅡ maybe life was simpler than she thought.

"You're staring," someone commented after nearing her. 

Glancing at Levi out from the corner of her eye, she arched an eyebrow and smirked ever so subtly. "And you're stalking."

His grey gaze met hers as he kept his horse still next to hers. "Shitty Glasses decided to place us together, for whatever fucking reason." 

Galene drifted her attention to Hange  as she stood right in front of Farlan and Isabel. And as if on cue, the strange woman tilted her head to grin at her.

She is something else, that's for sure; Galene thought with a frown. "Don't act as if you aren't pleased," she ended up commenting, mischievous smirk on as she winked at Levi.


Soon enough, they started to move forward. Some encouraging words were shouted from the first row of villagers who had come out to see them off, but they fell to deaf ears; the soldiers were serious, focused, but also discouraged. Many had witnessed friends dying in their attempt to escape ruthless Titans, and even though they would keep fighting, their moods were sour; as if they knew their tragic destiny had already been sealed.

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