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Whether you have the body, dead is dead.❞ ㅡ Levi Ackerman


Chapter thirty-two:


Morning came with the usual, fresh breeze rising from the horizon and the distant chirping of birds floating through the slightly-open window. Like the calm after the storm, there was peace within his heart for the first time in a very long time; he felt at ease, comfortable and untroubled. It was a nice change, yet one he wasn't sure he could hold in his hands ㅡ not for long, at least.

His eyes fluttered open before landing on the woman lying naked next to him. Levi took a moment to admire the unusual expression drawn on her features, caught by the feeling of contentment that radiated from her. It was almost unsettling, how different she looked ㅡ younger, more alive; without the heavy weight of the world on her shoulders.

His lips twitched as his grey gaze found something that hadn't been there the day before. It was subtle, but it was there: dark spots drawn on her neck ㅡ the reminder of a night as wild as exhilarating.

"Staring is creepy, Levi." He clicked his tongue and rolled on his back, ignoring the way her eyes followed his every move. With a sigh, Galene ran a hand down her face and surprised him by laying a finger upon his chest. "You look like you've gotten into a fight with a damn bear."

Levi tilted his head to give her an annoyed look, yet his body seemed to relax under her cold touch as she traced the purple marks drawn on his skin ㅡ her signature.

"You're one to talk," he retorted in a gruff voice.

She shrugged, and her hand retreated to cover her mouth as a loud yawn broke free. "I'm not sore enough to avoid joining the rest today," she commented as her lips twitched into a smirk. "It was a fun fight, though; lasted longer than I expected."

His eyes met her amused ones briefly, appreciating the way they glinted in familiar mischief, before they closed. It was weird; he was taken aback by her relaxed, almost accepting behaviour.

"Are you going to stay here all morning?" 

"Until Erwin comes looking for me," she replied. "I can't believe he's already planned another expedition. Give me a fucking break."

It really felt bizarre; having a casual conversation under his bedsheets, as if they were meant to be like that; enjoying one another's company, settled in a comfortable atmosphere. Closing his eyes, Levi leaned into the pillow and relished in that unexpected, yet calm sensation rolling down his veins. After some seconds, he heard the rustling of sheets and felt her warmth whispering to his skin.

"Levi." Her eyes gleamed as an expression as unfamiliar as dazzling took shape on her pale features, causing his breath to catch without his consent. "I never thanked you for what you did in the underground."

Against his own judgement, the man gave a shrug and asked, "Did you expect me to leave you behind?"

"Honestly? No," she admitted while rolling on her back. "But I wasn't talking about that. Everything was so fucked up, you know? Even now, you don't get a second to plan for the shit that keeps coming at you, butㅡ"

Levi clicked his tongue, stopping her from rambling. "Stop that before you hurt yourself. This isn't like you, Galene."

Her lips crooked into a smirk as she sat up and stood. "You're a jerk. By the way, are you even going to be able to join us today?"

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