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It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.❞ — Hange Zöe


Chapter thirty-seven:


Grey eyes surveyed the area from behind a brick chimney, narrowing upon landing on the shining palace that was surrounded by guards in silver uniforms. The owner of said intense stare clicked his tongue in aversion while remaining crouched on top of the high building that stood some meters away, well aware of the difficulty of his task — it could cost him his life.

But it had to be done. Those had been the orders Erwin Smith had delivered to them before being taken into custody and dragged to the capital.

Glancing down the street at his feet, he frowned.

"They were supposed to be here half an hour ago," a woman in glasses muttered from her hiding spot behind another chimney. Hange Zöe pursed her lips while glancing at him from the corner of her eye. "What's going on?"

Albeit irked because, hell, she was right, Levi Ackerman sent her a look. "They'll be here. Erwin seemed to trust this person, so there's no need to get your snickers into a twist."

"Considering they are in the underground, I expect them to be the kind of person who won't go down without a fight," corroborated Armin Arlet, coming to his aid. As his short, blond hair was brushed by a soft gust of wind, he added, "However, I'm surprised. They must know we're waiting, so why risk it?"

Clicking his tongue again, the short corporal was quick to answer his question. "Must be a short-tempered moron."

Armin smiled faintly.

"Something smells fishy, though." Eren Jaeger, also known as humanity's hope — or annoying brat —, ran a hand through his brown hair and scoffed. "Why was Erwin so adamant in keeping their identity a secret?"

"Do you know many people in the underground, brat?" retorted Levi almost instantly. "It makes no difference to you."

Glaring at him, Eren resumed his task of sulking while frowning at the empty path of white stone. Levi sent him an annoyed stare, noticing how the teen ignored his friends' attempts to calm him down.

Much to his relief, the wind suddenly brought the unmistakable sound of hoofs clacking on the road. In the distance, a carriage led by two brown horses approached, bouncing ever so frequently as the wheels bumped into small rocks along the path. Reaching down to grip his blades, Levi felt his muscles tense in anticipation.

"About damn time," he muttered under his breath as the carriage stopped in front of the palace.

Curiosity nibbled at his stomach as a rare sense of excitement rushed down his veins when the door was opened by a bald man dressed in the same silver uniform. Even from his spot behind the chimney, he could catch a glimpse of the sneer on his face as he reached inside to yank out the ally with no name.

"Looks like you were right, Armin," rang Hange's voice as she chuckled lowly. "Take a look at the big man; his clothes are tattered, and there's dried blood on his face."

"He doesn't look weak at all," said boy commented. "This conniver must be strong."

Levi listened in on the conversation, but he made no remark as the soldier managed to drag said conniver out. Upon catching sight of them, however, his eyes widened and he felt everyone around him pause in their conjectures.

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