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You're allowed to be curious, to question things and ask to satisfy your own greed and curiosity. Doesn't mean you'll get the answers you seek every time you do.❞ ㅡ Johan


Chapter fifteen:


It was dark when nine-year-old Galene opened her eyes, and she bit back a moan when her right shoulder gave a twinge of pain. Gripping it, she narrowed her eyes and grimaced as she felt the layer of dried blood on the tender skin. It was nothing new; the injuries, the blood, the exhaustion and the aching... She had long since gotten used to it all.

But that fact didn't make it easier to endure; when blood was drawn and wounds appeared, they hurt the same  no matter how much she had lived through, everything still felt as if it was the first time. Only one thing had changed during her nine years of life: her resolve. She had always had a strong mentality many admired, but the Underground City was turning her into a resolute individual; she had learnt to be brave, strong and impassive.

She would soon learn none of that was enough.

The abandoned building in which the sisters had built their home shook, before the cracked door flew across the place and a single man walked in. From the second floor, Galene could hear his determined footsteps as he moved ㅡ everything creaked and complained; as if a monster had just burst in.

Immediately, Galene tensed. 

Her eyes widened in alarm, before she took a sharp look around and her heart gave a desolated thud as the sleeping form of her sister came into sight. Undisturbed by the loud noises that threatened to split the building in two, Isabel was curled up against a wall and slept soundly.

She clenched her fists, temporarily forgetting about her broken shoulder as her mind raced. She knew what had to be done; she had to protect the only person she treasured, and she was willing to face the consequences.

"Be safe," she said in a whisper. A sad, genuine smile tugged at her lips; a gesture that wouldn't see the light in the following fifteen years of her life.

Then, she jumped out of the window. Landing on the ground, she was soon greeted by artificial lights coming from lampposts and the same depressing sight of dull buildings and dirty streets. Without sparing them a glance, she jogged up to stand in front of the gap where a door had been standing some seconds before.

A man was standing inside the building, as she had expected. His form was tall and concealed by a long coat that reached his knees, and when he turned around to face her, she failed to see his features; they were hidden in the shade provided by a worn-out hat.

Muscles tensing, Galene waited for him to step out. 

After a dragging moment during which he observed her silently, the man walked towards her. His eyes gave away nothing; they stared her down impassively. But she saw it: a familiar glint in them  one she had only seen in people with wicked, yet cunning minds.

By the way he held himself, Galene could tell he was confident; which also meant he was good at his job.

"We can do this the easy way," he spoke in a bored voice. "Come with me and don't make a scene."

Clenching her small hands into fists, Galene prepared her body to move and boldly replied, "What makes you think I'll do that?" 

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