Chapter 3

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Tsuna proceeded to walk out of the building to see Nagisa and karma talking near the door. Nagisa started blushing and hitting Karma he replied with sarcastic ouches.

Love birds. He glanced up to the clear sky. I wanna see him again. I miss them all. He sighed

"You know~ if you keep sighing like that you'll sigh your happiness away~"

Tsuna quickly turned to the person who started talking with him. Only to see Karma smirking and Nagisa smiling gently.

"You know~ People say that love birds shouldn't be flirting in public~"

Nagisa started blushing the colour of Karmas hair. While Karma got a small blush that quickly disappeared replaced with an evil smirk.

"Looks to see we've been found out by the newbie first~ Now how should I keep you quiet?~"

The redhead released killing intent.

"I'm not gonna tell anyone. Plus I got my own boyfriend so now we know each others secret.." Tsuna placed a finger on his lip.

"..So let's keep it that way."

Tsuna easily outdid karma's killing intent like it was a showdown. But it quickly disappeared when Nagisa stepped in between the glare war.

"Shall we catch up with the rest of the class? Karma and I stayed behind to show you the way."

Tsuna giggled and nodded with a bright smile that of an angle.

Nagisa looked shocked

Is this really the same guy as a second ago?!

"Tsk. Let's go Nagisa. Just follow us, newbie."

Karma said with an annoyed expression as we started walking to the back of the building.

"I appreciate you guys showing me the way."

He smirked. Karma saw and only got more annoyed.

This guy just doesn't sit right with me.

Nagisa and Tsuna started walking behind Karma.

"Hey, Tsuna-kun?"

"Yes, Nagisa-kun?"

Nagisa blushed

"Well, what's your boyfriend like?"

"Sa...I mean cool! Yup, his awesome. His hot looks great in hats and his great at sex."

Tsuna turned red so did Nagisa while Karma burst out laughing.

"W-what you laughing at?!"

"Just.. pff what a great guy~"

Tsuna saw the class he started running ahead of Nagisa and karma. Trying to run away from his embarrassment. Karma started running while laughing followed with Nagisa smiling.

"I guess you like the guy now?"

Nagisa said while running ahead


The blueberry smirked

"You little~"

Karma started spreading up before they knew it two were racing towards Tsuna only for him to trip causing a dog pill on tsuna with karma on top.


The class giggled and walked over to help the three boys up except for Nakamura who was taking pictures.

"Are you guys okay?"

Asked the class male representative Yūma Isogai while holding his hand out to the no longer crushed Tsuna. Tsuna just awkwardly laugh.

"I'm fine, you guys?"

He looked at Nagisa and karma who were stretching

"I'm fine!"

said Nagisa with a cheery smile. Karma just gave a thumbs up.

"Everyone gather round I'm gonna explain the rules of the game."


Tsuna asked a bit confused. Kayano nodded

"Mhm! Its Hide and Seek but Assassination classroom style!"

Tsuna smiled awkwardly and sweatdropped at that.

As long as it's not Vongola style I don't care what they throw at me.

"Listen up this is how it works."

Karasuma-sensei said.


IM SO SORRY THIS WAS SHORT! the chapter will honestly be random but some are short and others are long. Just depends on the chapter But still SORRY.

Dear readers, I gave you hints but just in case you haven't noticed the story takes place in

tsuna's world he was 25 so it been a while since he becomes boss

in Nagisa's world, I didn't give many hints for this except the fact that there were 28 students. Itona is in the class. Sorry!

Not that proud of this chapter but whatever

Hope you enjoyed it!

A hitman will be joining us soon

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