Chapter 6

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Soon the time changed to 8 minutes left. Tsuna slept peacefully on his tree.

The ones left were

-Karma Akabane

-Hinano Kurahashi

-Nagisa Shiota

-Ryūnosuke Chiba

-Rinka Hayami

-Sumire Hara

-Sawada Tsunayoshi

Tick-tock the time slowly turned to 7 minutes


Ryūnosuke Chiba, Sumire Hara have joined the seekers.

The 7 morphed into 6 then to 5


Hinano Kurahashi, Rinka Hayami have joined the seekers.

Tsuna woke up when he got a text from Ritsu and he jumped off the tree.

Time to have fun

He dashed through the forest at an incredible speed the fastest he can while using mist flames to be unnoticed. He passed by many of the seekers without being noticed. Only to see Karma right beside the yellow rope he stopped undid the illusion and walked over to him. he grabbed a stick Tsuna sadistically smiled he hid it behind his back. He waved at Karma when noticed he showed the stick and smirked. Karma just shook his head with the look of don't you even dare.


He broke the stick and booked it.

Maybe reborn rubbed off on me too much. Pfff still his face!

He thought while running once more covered in mist flames.

The time turned into 4 minutes


Karma Akabane has joined the seekers

Guess he was surrendered. pff.

The time changed to 2 minutes

Tsuna continued to look around and observing the situation.

Still can't find Nagisa. Sneaky kid. I accept the challenge to find him before the seek...


Nagisa Shiota has joined the seekers.


-Sawada Tsunayoshi


Tsuna started walking up the hill and hid near the entrance and waited the time out.













He got up from his hiding stop undid his illusion and released his presence he walked over to Karasuma he waved at him while the teacher had a shocked expression before it quickly disappeared and sat down on the ground watching the people come out of the forest. One by one they come out in a different state be it somewhat clean to completely covered in dirt. Tsuna though was completely clean without any sweat. Soon Karma, Nagisa and Sugino come out, Karma looked around and saw Tsuna's smug face. He ran up to him.

"What the hell newbie?!"

"Whatever do you mean?

Ritsu appeared on tsuna's watch

"I believe he means the fact that you blow his cover by breaking a stick Tsuna-kun."

Tsuna pouted but shrug it off

"Oh, yea that."

Everyone was watching them at this rate.

"Why did you do that?!"

"Felt like it plus it wasn't against the rules so who cares. In the end, I win."

Tsuna was very competitive but with reborn at his side he turned into a rule bender as long as it doesn't break the rules it's okay is his motto in games and competitions.

"Why you little!"

Karma burst out laughing. Tsuna gave a confused look that most of the classmates thought


"You win."

Karma crouched down to tsuna smiled without a tint of mischievous emotions. Nagisa smiled and walked over to us. The class returned to talking amongst themselves.

"Good for you Karma you made a friend."

He said both Karma and I gave a look of what

"With this guy?!"

They pointed at each other. Nagisa nodded and smiled Karma blushed.


Tsuna said before whistling the two just shushed him.

Oh, that reminds me they said I was the first one to find out. Hmmmm.

"Hey Sensei! Who wins the prize?"

Nakamura asked.


He asked.

"Oh yes."

Everyone gulped except for the Tsuna and Nagisa. Karma was just curious.


"Eh!? "

Okano screamed.

"Not surprised."

Karma said with a smirk. Tsuna and Nagisa looked confused.

"She caught me."

He shrugged. Tsuna made a hmm noise before looking at Nagisa.

"Where were you hiding anyway? I couldn't find you."

"Ohhh not all high and mighty are we. I found him." he smirked," he was hiding..."


Nagisa replied which shocked the whole class that heard him.

"I was always on the move I never stayed in the same spot for more than five minutes. Karma just stumbled open me when I was catching my breath. The dude jumped me."

"Nufufufu. Wonderfully done Nagisa-kun, Okano-san and Tsuna-kun you are truly impressive for someone who just transferred."

"I told you I was hired by the mafia, of course, I have skills. Or are you suggesting something sensei?"

"I just wanted to say that your skills are out of this world nufufufu."

"Silly octopus like that was possible."

Playing this game with me sensei? That's fine I'm confident my cover isn't gonna get blown that soon. Unless... Nah that wouldn't happen.


I didn't really like this chapter but the best part to me will forever be Tsuna messing with Karma.

Hope you enjoyed.

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