Chapter 16

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"Let's see Isogai, Sugino and Sugaya would be rains."

"Ohhhh that sounds cool!"

Sugino spoke up.

"Haha welcome to the crew guys!"

Takashi grinned.

"Okano, Terasaka, Yoshida and Masayoshi could be storms."

Terasaka huffed in annoyance.

"What does that mean stupid brat?!"

Gokudera shot back with Takashi holding him back. He quiets down in a second once his beloved boss gave him a glare.

"Continuing, for Sun I can see Rio, Hinano, Hiroto, Hara, Takuya and Yoshida in the position."

"Wow, so many!"


Reborn smirked.

"Megu, Kōtarō, Mimura and Taiga would be lightnings."

Kotaro adjusted his glasses. While Lambo continued to eat away at his candy.

"Hayami, Chiba, Fuwa, Hazama, and Manami suit mist."

"Itona would be a cloud."

Itona ignored the discussion and was focused on his book. Nagisa raised his hand.


"You didn't call some of our names. Why?"

"Well, that because you guys are unique cases."

Karma's interest perked up with interest.

"Unique cases?"

He asked interested.

"Well sometimes someone can show the traits of more than one element and the percentages is to even to only give one. For example, Terasaka shows traits for sun but his storm traits overpower it. For Kayano, she would be a main Lightning user with secondary Mist."

Tsuna waited for a reaction but none was given as they sat giving him a curious stare.

"Karma is a main cloud with secondary storm. While Nagisa has Rain as a main and secondary Mist."

"If I'm right rain calms while mist well confuses?"

Tsuna stood in shock at the overwhelming simplification.

"I guess?"

"Those are polar opposites."

"Well Nagisa you're pretty polar opposite when it comes to everyday life against assinassing life."

Nagisa gave Tsuna a dark smirk spiking with dark energy.

"Touché Tsuna."

Tsuna laughed.

"Anyway is that all?"

Most of the class nodded the others weren't paying much attention since the beginning.

Ring ring a ding ma dude

Tsuna's phone rang out loud and clear. He took a glance at the caller and quickly picked it up.

"Hello?... Eh?!.. Wait but... given permission?!... Tsk. Fine. Do you know how much faster this would be if you let me know who the person is?!... fun my ass!... yeah yeah... I'm gonna hang up if you're gonna be like that."

He hangs up by then his smile had been replaced with a pissed and annoyed expression. He sighed.

"Okay for the next lesson I'll be teaching you about flames. God, why was this so perfectly timed?"

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