Chapter 5

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"Okay students here are the rules"

Karasuma said

"The basic of the game is to hide and seek. To start I will randomly draw a name from a pile in a bag. Whoever I draw will be the starting seeker. The game will last 30 minutes. The seekers have to touch the student and it's impossible to cheat you'll see why in a second. For every student, the seekers catch that student joins the seeker team whoever is left wins. Before starting I have these watches.."

He showed a watch that had a screen on it then suddenly Ritsu the AI appeared.

"..Ritsu will be in charge of them by notifying you the amount of time left to tell you who are the seekers and of course she'll make sure none of you cheat. Hopefully, you won't try to. Treat this as an assassination mission where the hiders are the assassins while the seekers are the guards. Make sure to hide your presence and don't hold back. Whoever catches the most students will also get to ditch Jelavich' class also will the person who hides the longest."

Everyone smiled and cheered.

"Doesn't mean you get to skip homework."

The class booed but was quickly replaced with giggles and laughter.

Tsuna whispered to Nagisa

"What does she teach?"

"English? I think"

He whispered back. Tsuna was just confused as to what he meant.

"Does anyone have questions?"

A ginger girl raised her hand

Rinka Hayami...

"Yes, Hayami."

"How far can we go?

"Good question. The octopus has installed some yellow rope if you pass that you are to return here and wait for the next round. Ritsu will warn you if you are close to it. Understood?"


The class said in unison.

"Good. Now get in line to get a watch."

Everyone lined up with Karma, Nagisa and Tsuna being last. They started to chat.

"So what do you mean by you don't know what your teacher teaches?"


Nagisa was about to speak before karma interrupted

"Her class is the type of class where you need to experience it for yourself to understand."

"His right."

A boy in front of them with light blue hair said.

"Oya Oya if it isn't Itona rare for you to agree with me."

He just nodded and turned back to listen to his friends' conversations.

The line quickly got shorter and Nagisa and Karma quickly got there watches soon did Tsuna. He placed it on his wrist and suddenly Ritsu appeared.

"Hello, Tsuna-kun."

"Hello, Ritsu it's nice to meet you."

"Hai. Nice to meet you too!"

She kinda reminds me of Haru..

"Hey, Tsuna-kun why can't I find any information on you?"


He sweatdropped

"You know trying to pry into my information isn't nice."

"Sorry I just wanted to check if you're a danger to the class. I just want to protect them it's the best I can do as an AI."

Tsuna smiled at this a true gentle smile.

"I understand that feeling."


Everyone went quiet and watched with an anxious gaze. Tsuna smirked

HAHA! Not it!

His hyper Intuition told him. Karasuma took a piece of paper opened up the paper and read


That said boy got excited.

"I'm gonna wreck you guys!"

"You all have three minutes to hide! Now GO!"

With that, everyone disappeared into the forest except for tsuna who just walked lazily towards it.

**Timeskip brought to by 3-minute openings**

Karasuma nodded at Sugino to Start. He disappeared.

Tsuna was at a top of a tree completely out of sight about to take a nap his aura was completely gone. He also had mist flame hiding him just in case. He was pretty much part of the tree now. Ritsu texted him because she can't make any noise.

-Are you really gonna take a nap? What if you fall? Won't you be found? Don't underestimate E-class!

-I'm not and i'll be fine please wake me up when the timer has 5 minutes left.

He texted back.

Time to take a nap.

The time on the timer was 14 minutes and Sugino had already found a third of the class with the other seekers.

The ones left are:

-Karma Akabane

-Hinata Okano

-Megu Kataoka

-Kaede Kayano

-Yukiko Kanzaki

-Masayoshi Kimura

-Hinano Kurahashi

-Nagisa Shiota

-Sōsuke Sugaya

-Ryūnosuke Chiba

-Rinka Hayami

-Sumire Hara

-Yuzuki Fuwa

-Hiroto Maehara

-Takuya Muramatsu

-Tōka Yada

-Taisei Yoshida

-Itona Horibe

-Tsunayoshi Sawada


So the pic I was using had the first names before the last names and when I realized I was honestly just whatever since I only use their first names normally.

Hope you enjoyed!

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