Chapter 12

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He replied to reborn while grabbing his drink. They were located at a cafe near the school talking. Reborn placed his hand on Tsuna's. He intertwined his fingers with his lovers. He replied to the action with a gentle smile.

"I missed you~"

"I missed you too Renato~"

Tsuna took a sip of his tea and placed it down on the table. He placed his other had on top of the hand he was already holding he brought it up to his lips and gently kissed his lover's hand. Reborn smirked in reply he got up and pulled tsuna up into a gentle kiss. They sat back down and laughed a bit at the reactions of the people in the cafe but didn't care. Tsuna sighed.

"So why are you here?"

"I thought you were happy to see me~"

"Don't get me wrong love but..."

"You're worried about the family?"

Tsuna nodded.

"Tsuna there fine. They can keep care of themselves for a bit."

Tsuna smiled but still a small glim of concern on his face.

"Vongola Sawada Tsunayoshi trust your family."

The older gave Tsuna a stern look. Tsuna apologized and gave a true smile with no hidden emotions just a smile of happiness. Reborn smirked.

"I forced the marshmallow freak to drop me into this world."

"Drop? That explains why you didn't..."


Tsuna gave a sadistic smile.

"Wanna die bastard?"

"Nope. But it is nice to see my dame-student again."

"Aren't I still your student?"

Tsuna laughed. Reborn smirked and shook his head.

"Of course not I train heirs, not the bosses. And last time I check the title you have in my head is future husband~"

Tsuna hemmed in reply and took a sip of his tea to try to hide his blush. Reborn snickered. Tsuna mood changed which indicated Reborn that it was business time.

"What is Byakuran planning?"

The brown-haired boy asked. Reborn took a sip of his espresso.

"He and Verde are making an antidote and you and I were sent to protect the octopus."

"Protect? The man seems to be fine protecting himself."

"Byakuran said an enemy that neither the students or the teachers can handle at there current levels."

"How much info did he give you about said, enemy?"


"Yep let me guess 'Tsu-chan will be able to spot him when he sees him." right?"

Reborn chuckled and nodded.

"That damn marshmallow freak."

Tsuna sighed and waved over the waitress.

"How can I help?"

"Can i have a slice of strawberry cake and a refill on drinks?"

She nodded and headed to the backroom.

"You and your cake..."

Tsuna shrugged as the waitress placed down the cake and drinks. He began eating with the most cheery smile.

"Hey, Tsuna if you had to choose would you give cake up or me?"

Tsuna laughed and proceeded to smirk.

"A good mafia boss can save both."

Reborn smirked back

"I truly did teach you well."

Tsuna continued eating his cake while Reborn sipped on his expresso they sat in the silents of the murmurs of the cafe completely happy to have each other companionship. Reborn smirked

Well, i don't have to tell him that just yet~


My god, what secrets does our dear spartan tutor holds! welp i know~

You want a hint welp nope you ain't getting anything from me...

don't give me that look arg fine let us just say...

Reborn pushes RosaRoss back into their cave - "Fool you wish I ain't letting this brat release secrets!"

Tsuna- "Reborn your so mean to our readers!"

Karma- "Yea reborn nothing happened in the past few chapters people want the gossip. Which means your chapters are boring~"

Reborn and Karma start having a glaring contest while Tsuna tries to calm them down.

Nagisa whispered- "RosaRoss sent me. they said 'la météo arrive bientôt.'"

Reborn- "HEY!"

RosaRoss gives a wink- "Hope you enjoyed!"

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