Chapter 18

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**With Karma**

He walked into the forest until he reached reached a small clearing. The sun poured into the opening showing a brunette crossed arm with a smirk on his face.

"So you're the one teaching us?~"

"Well Karma my cloud isn't available to teach some noobs today so i had to replace him.~"

"Ohoho~ Want to fight Tsuna?~"

"You know i'll beat you without moving from this spot.~"

The two glared at each other trying to one up each other.

"Do you two want to be alone?"

Itona interrupted them breaking their focus and moving it onto the boy's sudden appearance.

"No its fine. Sorry, we got carried away."

Tsuna apologized as he coughed clearing his voice. He gave the two a weary smile giving the boys an unease feeling.

"Take away the hat on my head and i'll teach you about flames. Don't hold back with youre dying will you two~ you got thirty minutes starting now."

Itona retreated leaving the brunette to smirk alone standing in the middle of the clearing while dodging Karma's assaults with ease.

**With Kayano**

Kayano walked with Megu as they arrived to the afroed teen squating on the grown beside Reborn. Kayano kept her guard up the second she saw the man. She took notice that his fedora was missing revealing spiky black hair but also clearly showed his twisted gaze. He noticed the others were also keeping an eye on the man.

"Reborn they arent even paying attention to me can't you just teach the class. You're the tutor here."

"Stupid cow Tsuna already promised you grape candy soi just do your damn job if only we could trust you with this task. I would be beside my beautiful Tsuna's side. BUT. You're an idiot so you can't be trusted with anything i have to babysit."

"Yara yara how troublesome. Hey! I'm Lambo and if you can take away ummm my candy! Ouch"

Reborn had kicked him causing him to face plant onto the ground. The boy reached into his pocket and took out a small green box. He stood up dusting himself off with one hand.

"If you can take away this box with the next thirty minutes i'll teach you about flames."

"Come at him with you're dying will. I'm only here to watch. Start now."

He fired a shot to the sky the student had disappeared into the forest.

"Don't mess up stupid cow."


Reborn disappeared. Lambo yawned as he placed the box on his belt.

"So troublesome... i want candy."

**With Rio**

She had found herself with some of her other classmates near a cliff with the loud boy of Tsuna's group.

"I EXTREMELY don't know what to say so i'll extremely simply say/"

He showed a small yellow box.

"Take this away from me with your dying will within thirty minutes and i'll extremely teach you about flames. Staring now."

The group had disappeared without a trace getting Ryohei's approval as they abbonden him as he hit air near a cliff he screamed to the sky.


**With Terasaka**

He walked with a grumpy face his hands in his pocket. He has arrived with the others to a tree filled area where little light seeped in. He noticed the silver hair chewing on some gum leaning against a tree with his arms crossed.

"Oi! You're all here right?"

They all nodded.


He showed a small red box.

"Take this box within thirty minutes and I'll teach you about flames. You better come at me with your dying will."

They all started attacking right away causing Hayato to jump out of the way. He showed clear satisfaction with their response.

**With Manami**

She walk to the schoolyard where the look a likes stood beside each other one with a suspicious glint in his eye the other with a similar glint but was more shy.

"Bossu said you were in charge today so you should teach for today Mukuro-niisama."

"But Chrome-chan doing this is such a waste of my time I don't understand why someone else couldn't deal with them."

Chrome gave Mukuro a puppy like stair causing the man to step back.

"Only because it's you."

He patted her head after he let go she had fanished. The pineapple head turned towards the group and smirked at them causing Manami to shiver a bit.

"If you can take this box away from me within thirty minutes I'll teach you about flames. I hope you come at me with your dying will before I get bored~"

The class ran into the forest behind him. The man smirked and just stood their not moving.

"It already been thirty minutes huh?"

"Karasuma are you lonely?~ did they steal away your time with the students?~"

"No it's good that's they'll become stronger."

"Yea?~ maybe you're actually happy you can spend time with me!~"

Bitch sensei yelled in a playful and energetic voice trying to jump onto Karasuma back but the man had side stepped away. He staired outside the window ignoring his work associate complaints and whines. He had stood there with a neutral face until it had changed into one of surprise. Startling Bitch Sensei she looked outside to see the students slowly coming out of the forest one by one covered in dirt completely exhausted and eyes drained of life. They had walked like zombies until they reached their respected desk and collapsed on the chair. Tsuna's gang had soon emerged from the forest all talking and laughing like they had nothing to do with the condition of the students.

I almost missed it. Happy birthday Hayato!

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