Chapter 9

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Warning for a little swearing... I couldn't resist.






Morning came quick. Tsuna was already dressed and ready for school he was in the middle of grabbing his lunch. He took a quick glance at his watch. 7:03. He walked towards the door locked it and headed to school. He only lived a 10-minute walk from it. Well for a normal person maybe more. Tsuna continued walking to school until he noticed Karma and Nagisa ahead of him. He grinned he sneaked up to them without being noticed he spoke.

"You guys better not be flirting again."

Karma and Nagisa jump away while taking out their knives before realizing it was Tsuna with a giant grin. Nagisa sighed.

"Good morning Tsuna-kun."


He walked beside them. They continued to walk making small conversation.

"So when are you guys gonna come out as a couple?"


The couple said

"It's just the class seems very excepting. I wouldn't be surprised if they just simply said congrats."

"We... I can't."

Nagisa said he looked to the ground and stopped walking Karma looked at him and continued speaking.

"I know what you mean Tsuna. It's just Nagisa has to deal with more than you can see before coming out."

He walked over to Nagisa hugged him. Nagisa held him back. Karma whispered something but Tsuna couldn't hear him. Nagisa smiled and nodded. Tsuna smiled sadly at this.

I miss you Reborn.

He looked towards the sun shading his eyes with his hand.

"Shall we continue?"

Nagisa said with a smile it's felt like it healed Tsuna sadness.

"Yea let's go"

They arrived at the gate ignoring the glares and whispers they walked over to the hill.

"Wanna race again?"

Nagisa said. The other two nodded they did quick stretches until Sugino walked over to them.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Racing. Wanna join? The goal is at the top of the hill."

Sugino nodded proceeded to do his own stretches until Rio and Kaede saw them they joined the race as well. By the time they were about to start half the class was there. The students from the main building were looking at them suspiciously. Just when Karma said go someone grabbed Tsuna's shoulder he looked back to see a younger version of the principle. The other students had already booked it up.


He looked at the boy.

"You interrupted my win. Whatever I can still beat them at this rate...How can I help you?"

Gakushu just stared at him.

"Why are you in this class? From my research, you had straight A's last semester. Thought that in itself is suspicious"

"Who knows maybe I'm just too much of a dame for your father to accept me in the main building." He stuck his tongue out. "Gotta go mini Asano. Bye!"

He easily caught up with the other students. Asano heard a distant yell.


Akabane Karma...wait he won. In a split second! Interesting~

He smirked but it quickly disappeared. He marched back to the school when he heard the warning bell.

The students were all in class ready for English. A blond woman entered the room noticed the new student

"Oh, you must be Sawada Tsunayoshi-kun? I'm Irina Jelavic your English teacher nice to meet you."

She walked over to him with an oh so innocent smile. She bent down Tsuna HI screamed. the boy jumped back with a gun to her head. His eyes bright orange glaring at her.

"Irina Jelavic-sensei I thought you were an English teacher, not a sex ed teacher."

He said in a cold voice the whole class watched were in shock thinking how can he point a gun so easily at someone. With a few wondering were his eyes always orange?! Tsuna was about to speak but karma laughed

"Don't you mean your name is Bitch-sensei?"

"You lil brat!"

She said with a pissed off look.

"You guys could be siblings."

Tsuna said sitting back down taking the attention off himself. Everyone looked at him then karma then Irina.




The class screamed out the two were pissed releasing the same murderous aura.

"Even there pissed face is the same. Same with there auras."


Irina interrupted the class quieted down.

"Tsunayoshi. How well do you understand English?"

"I'm pretty confident."

"Oho~ You are amazing in bed~"

Tsuna burst out laughing.

"Damn I can't breath! pff..."

The class plus the teacher all gave him a confused look. He replied

"I don't remember having sex with an assassin recently~"

Everyone just looked shocked.

"Who are you brat?"

"Just your normal mafia hired hitman."



"Haha no wonder that tutor is a freak. Worst than my sensei. You must have gone through hell."

"You have no idea~"


I am neither proud or disgusted by this chapter I couldn't really think of anything to write.

This chapter was honestly to just meet Gakushu and Irina.
Sorry I forgot to post this yesterday!
Hope you enjoyed!

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