Chapter 11

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Warning for a little swearing... I couldn't resist.

The class was in shock everybody was staring at the door the couple just walked through. They silence lasted quite a bit until someone pointed them walking down the mountain hand in hand.
"Nufufufu... I assume everyone won't be able to concentrate during class?"
Some of the class was still looking outside while the others just stared at the teacher. He clapped his tentacles.
"let's just do self study no one leave the building please. The teachers and I will speak among ourselves in our office please come over if you need to ask anything don't be shy."
They left the class after a few seconds the silence was gone replaced with chatter and murmurs. Nagisa walked over to Karma desk who was looking at his phone with a stern look.
"So what are you doing Karma?"
"Huh.. oh just looking up Vongola."
Ritsu appeared on his phone with a cheery voice she spoke.
"I found some info!"
Everyone looked to the back where the blue and red haired were. Ritsu appeared on her screen she spoke.
"It's only rumours but they say it's the number one mafia group. Main based located in Italy. They own many  popular companies just like xxx and xxxx."
Everyone stood in shock but the silence was broken by Karma laughing. Everyone glared at him in disbelief.
"It's just we already knew the mafia was in this so it wasn't that much info but they own xxx of all things!"
Everyone was just smiling karma somehow broke the bad atmosphere. Nagisa sighed.
"Any info on Reborn-san?"
He spoke. Ritsu asked for a second to return a minute later.
"Nothing... I can't even break the first firewall... I'm sorry everyone I failed you all..."
Everyone spoke out words of encouragement. Ritsu cheered up.
"Tsuna is gonna tell us everything later so let's just stop worrying."
Karma spoke out trying to reassure his worried boyfriend but it also reassured everyone else.
The class started chatting with one another in a peaceful and cheerful atmosphere. Nagisa used Tsuna's chair and sat close to Karma. They whispered to each other.
"So that was the boyfriend and tutor he spoke of who knew they were the same person..."
Karma gave a concern look to Nagisa.
"Nagisa what's wrong?"
Nagisa sighed.
"It's just they told everyone with such ease... I'm just jealous I guess..."
"Nagisa do you really wanna come out?"
Nagisa gave a hesitated look but smiled.
"I want to but... I'm scared... scared of what the others will think..."
Karma gave a gentle smile.
"Nagisa. It's okay to be afraid. Tsuna's only been here for a week and you sense the beginning. You are allowed to have a hard time coming out to people you care about and hope to be friends with forever."
Nagisa looked at Karma and giggled.
"Who knew you normally an asshole could give good advice?~"
Karma gave a sarcastic gasp.
"How dare you?"
They laughed together. They were truly happy to have each other

This was honestly the hardest thing I was having and still kinda am having writers block. I might actually work on more then one story so I could move back and forth so it would be easier to come up with ideas I guess? I don't know I just know I have two other stories I wish to write and don't worry there both R27.
So quick question
Which should I post first?

1. Fantasy./first gen First few lines.
One second we were laughing the next thrown into a portal running from men. I was tightly holding my older brother's hand. I looked at the back of his blond hair tears in my eyes confused and scared. We kept on running then his eyes meet mine. He whispered something I couldn't hear in the rain.

2. Music/school. First few lines.
The lights flashed the audience cheered suddenly the lights turned off then a voice was heard.


The lights turned on and the spotlight was on the stage It was Sky. One of the most popular male idols in Japan and well known around the world as well. He wore a tux he had orange eyes and blond mixed with brown hair.


By the time this chapter is posted they will probably be more ideas in my head but I'm pretty proud of the first few chapters of these that I made for fun. So please vote!

Hope you enjoyed!

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