Chapter 15

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The man started laughing.

"I can't breath..."

He started tearing up. He was on his knees until someone tried to kick him but he caught it before it made an impact.

"How cruel Reborn~"

"Shut it dame tsuna."


The boy gave a quick glance at his watch.

"Well, time to go back. See you in ten years."

A pink smoke appeared as he flashed the class a smile. The wind caused the smoke to disbursed revealing teenage Tsuna.

"What the hell Karma?!"

The boy screamed and looked up to see the class in confusion and Karma pointing at himself mumbling words of confusion and questions to Nagisa who was laughing at his boyfriend's distress expression.

"Welcome back Tsuna-sama!"

Hayato spoke up. The boy smiled at them when he saw his lover. He walked up to him in a curious gaze.

"Are you really human?"

"What is that suppose to mean Dame-Tsuna?~"

Reborn replied with a pissed tone.

"It's just freaky that you don't change... it!"

The boy was hit with a mallet to the head and a death glare from his beloved.

"Say freak one more time~"

"What did I do?!"

Tsuna spoke up in a tone his classmates were surprised to hear even seeing him get hit was strange.

"Is that really Tsuna?"

Rio whispered. Takashi heard it and started laughing he gave them his signature smile.

"That's How Tsuna acts when he has all his walls down."

"Kufufu but now it just looks like the Decimo I met all those years ago."


Chrome agreed.

"It's nice to see Tsu-nii so happy."

Lambo said with a gentle voice.

"Haha, I bet it's because he doesn't have any paperwork."

"There's also the fact that Tsuna-sama doesn't have to worry about being attacked."

His class listened to their remarks and comments noticing the gentle and loving watch pointed at Tsuna.

"You guys really love him."

Nagisa commented.

"His our sky."

They all replied with. The class gave a curious gaze to the different universe gang.


Karma spoke up. Tsuna looked over to him.

"What do the weathers and sky mean?"

He gave a childish smiled while running over to him he grabbed his wrist and waved his classmates to follow he rushed over to the classroom and waited for everyone to enter. He stood eagerly in front of the blackboard as he watched everyone take a seat and his guardians stand the side, his fiancé standing beside him and his teachers in the back of the room. As he noticed everyone he picked up the chalk and started making a circle after he made a bigger circle with the one he previously made in the center. He proceeded to make lines connecting the outside of the smaller to the inside of the other circle. He made five of them causing it to be cut in six parts. As he explained it he wrote the words storm and did the same thing for the rest.

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