Chapter 8

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He easily caught up to the couple. He speeded past them saying.
"Damn you're slow."
The other two smirked and ran faster up the hill with tsuna a good few steps ahead laughing. They made it to the top in a tie. The two were gasping for air while tsuna continued walking to the building. He turned back to the two.
"So what do we have?"
Karma replied.
"Japanese, science and then English which you can skip."
He mumbled.
"Lucky bastard."
Tsuna and Nagisa laughed at this and returned walking. With a minute to spare they entered the class.
**Time skip Tsuna just slept. Thinking I don't need to go through middle school classes when I'm a university graduate.**
It was the five-minute break the trio walked to the science class joined with Kaede and Sugino. She spoke.
"Hey Tsuna-kun, what are you gonna do after you can skip right?"
The boy thought for a second
"Probably finish unpacking."
"Wait you moved here just for your mission?"
"Yea it's easier than living in a hotel for a couple of months."
Sugino got excited
"Dude, we should totally go hang out at your place you live alone right?"
The others nodded. Tsuna replied.
"Sorry at least wait until I'm unpacked okay?"
They nodded. They arrived at the science class opened the door to see Koro-sensei and Manami Okuda talking. Koro-sensei welcomed them with a bright smiled the class quickly filled up with the students.
"Okay, class today we will be working on chemistry. Please take out your books and work on the pages that have sticky notes that I have placed."
Tsuna was shocked he looked at Karma, Kaede and Nagisa books to see sticky notes all over them. Karma and Kaede giggled while Nagisa smiled kindly at his reaction.
"It's the usual with this guy."
"Nufufu Don't be afraid to ask me questions understood?"
The class started working.
"Tsuna-kun I have your books at the front with me please come get them."
Tsuna nodded. He got up and walked over to the Teacher well one of the teachers. He was moving fast enough to have after images that acted like clones. They were all running around helping the students. Tsuna was honestly amazed and admired the octopus.
Tsuna was given his books and was asked to sit down in front of the teacher he did as told with a curious stare.
"Tsuna-kun you act like you know everything and maybe you do but one is never perfect so I wish to be able to help you reach a goal as close to perfect as possible. So please tell me about your strengths and weaknesses. If you don't mind that is Nufufu~"
Tsuna was honestly shocked
This man isn't going to blow up the earth he's too kind there's no way he could do that! No wonder Byakuran sent me. He truly is an unlucky soul.
Tsuna couldn't even process what was happening anymore.
"Tsuna-kun are you feeling okay?"
Tsuna smiled the smile of an angel that everyone that saw felt like they were healed and were full of energy again.
"I just realized the reason to why I was sent here."
Koro-sensei was shocked he didn't show it.
"What is it then said reason?"
"You're too kind sensei you wouldn't blow up the earth of your own volunteer."
Koro-sensei just stayed quiet.
"I see. Did you know I was an assassin?"
"Do you remember I'm in the mafia? I know many hitmen and assassins with kind hearts just unlucky or... there's someone I know who likes being number one. Did you truly think I would care about your past Koro-sensei?"
The conversation died. They sat in silence except for the small murmurs and pencil scribbling heard from the students. Koro-sensei broke the silence.
"So what do know about chemistry?"
"Enough to pass your exams with 100% but I won't." The student pointed to the students in the back who were hard at work completely ignoring their surroundings. "They deserve that spot."
Koro-sensei smile grew if that was possible. The bell rung.
"Will you be skipping English?"
Tsuna nodded.
"I'll head home to finish unpacking."
Koro-sensei laughed and nodded. The class was quickly emptied with Karma and Nagisa at the door waiting for Tsuna with giant grins. Tsuna got up grabbed his books did a quick bow grinned at the teacher.
"Bye bye sensei see you tomorrow."
Tsuna walked up to his friends the room was left with the small sounds of giggles which warmed Koro-sensei's heart. They walked to there class talked a bit while tsuna packed up he wished them a good day and left. He walked down the mountain. He cheerfully walked to his house entered the room with a small number of boxes.
I said finish but honestly, I have nothing in here they'll think it's weird. All there is here is clothes, food, a bed, a computer and some cutlery.
He walked over to his desk did the homework within 10 minutes. He proceeded to turn on his computer. He did some browsing and hacking here and there.
Interesting... so there were people in this world doing experiments on human beings. Just like that damn mafia... Sensei... Mukuro... I wonder how the gang is. It feels like it's been ages since I've seen them.
He glanced at the time. 7:06.
Damn time passes fast. Let's eat then take a bath.
And that's what he did he made an omelet enough for lunch the next day with a few side dishes. After placing the extra food in the fridge he left to the bathroom to go bathe. He comes out wearing boxers and a tank top. With a towel around his neck catching the drops of water from his hair that dripped down his neck. He walked over to his fridge grabbed some milk and drunk from the carton. He yawned.
"Time for bed~"
He quickly fell asleep on his twin sized bed.
Sup! I have nothing to say so um... edit that! I was about to post this and boom last check and nothing the words were gone I was like damn! I'm lucky I save my chapters on other things.
Hope you enjoyed!

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