Chapter 7

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The day continued with math being the next period and Tsuna pretending to pay attention. After a while, the boy quickly fell asleep. He woke up with bright orange eyes only to proceed to take out his knife and swing it beside him. There stood Koro-sensei holding makeup and hairs products with a knife inches away from his face.

"Don't even try me, Sensei~"

The octopus took a step back.

"Nufufufu impressive with your skills you could easily destroy a few of my tentacles."

Tsuna smirked.

"If I got serious you would have died when I first laid eyes on you."

Tsuna eyes faded back to brown and he quickly placed the knife back from where he pulled it from.

"But you're a cool guy so even if my mission gets changed I won't kill you. Unless you do something to offend me that is... Just kidding~"

Tsuna walked up to the board and solved the question with ease.

"I'll assume you were asking me to answer this."

Koro-sensei nods

"Nufufufu correct with both. Well done Tsuna-kun."

Tsuna shrugged and walked back to his desk only for the bell to ring. It was now lunch.

Did I bring food?

The boy checked his bag and sighed.

"Hey, Nagisa are we allowed to use the cafeteria in the main building?"

"Yea but I don't recommend it most of the time the other students will try to trip you. It's a waste of money."

Tsuna let out a sadistic aura.

"Nagisa do you truly believe some brats could trip me?~"

The blueberry sighed. Not really reacting to his aura which interested Tsuna but ignored it for now.

"Fine Karma and I will show you the way."

"What?! Why do I have to go?"

Nagisa smirked as he turned towards his other half.

"Because I said so."

Karma stepped closer to Nagisa and whispered in his ear the words "Only because you're cute~" Nagisa's face went red for a second before flicking Karma's forehead.

"Fine. let's go then."

Karma walked out of the room followed by the other two. They walked down the stairs while talking about random things. Nagisa asked a question that startled Tsuna.

"You're pretty smart and seem strong who taught you?"

Tsuna laughed as he remembered the days of running away from his spartan tor... Tutor.

"Hmm, a tutor from hell I guess?"

By the time the conversations ended they arrived in front of the school's door, they entered with Nagisa leading Tsuna beside him and Karma following close behind extremely pissed. The hall was filled with the sounds of murmur and eyes filled with disgust watching the three. Tsuna just smiled

It's like I'm in middle school again~ Wait I am? Whatever.

Karma murderous glares to the students who did nothing with them being oblivious.

"Tsk. Brats."

Karma said clearly. The murmurs only got louder

"Nice job Karma."

Tsuna said

"Wanna fight shorty?"

Tsuna and Nagisa leaked out killing intent. Karma sweatdropped.

"Who you calling shorty?~"

They both said then glanced at each other and laughed. They forgot about Karma who quietly followed behind them pouting in defeat. The three entered the cafeteria with Nagisa going to find a table while the other two walked over to the caf. Tsuna ordered and paid on a black card which didn't go unnoticed by Karma he looked at it with curiosity until Tsuna placed it back in his wallet.

"I know your occupation and all but a black card now that means you have a pretty high standing.~"

"Or I stole it from someone on a previous mission and rich people don't notice if they lose money bit by bit. But you can decide what's the truth~"

Karma snickered. Tsuna continued to walk towards the table while carrying his tray. His Hyper Intuition hit him like a boulder. He quickly turned around to see someone about to push him.

"Can I help you?"

The random student was shocked but shook it off with a smirk he replied with.

"Yea. What do you think you End-Class losers are doing in our cafeteria?"

"Eating. If that's all I'll be going."

Tsuna was unfazed and Nagisa and Karma who witness the whole thing were holding back laughs. Karma and Tsuna walked over to Nagisa. The shortest of the three spoke.

"Tsuna you only arrived this morning and you didn't even get fazed by the treatment why is that?"

"Well back in my old school I was completely treated like a nuisance. No one seemed to be on my side I was called Dame-Tsuna. I honestly thought of it as a fact the words: You're such a dame! turned to I'm such Dame. So you could say I'm used to it."

Nagisa was about to speak but Karma stood up and spoke first.


"KARMA! Calm down."

The boy said the other looked at his lover and sat back down.

"Thanks, Karma."

Karma blushed.

"Anyone would say that even. Well everyone in E-class would."

"So decent people?"

Nagisa laughed.

"Sorry but the fact that we're in the cafeteria saying these things out loud is so perfect."

He restarted laughing, Karma joined Nagisa. Tsuna got up Nagisa glanced at his plate it was empty.

"That was fast."

"Yea but you should look at the time."

They did as told. 12:25. Lunch ended in 5 minutes. They two got up and ran for it. As Tsuna casually returned his tray and jumped out of the window from the empty canteen.


I'll be honest be honest I adore the idea of cat tsuna where he just enjoys jumping out of windows. He just acts so casually about it he be like ooo a window. So don't be surprised if this type of thing happens again even if I write other fanfics it will always be a thing.

Hope you enjoyed!

Also favourite number 7! Wow!

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