Chapter 19

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He walked into the building and stood in front of the students Tsuna who once had a smile while walking in had faded he started writing something on the blackboard he placed the chalk down. He stormed out but without missing a note spoke up in a clear voice.

"That's my hint."

Nagisa repeated his words in a mumble and looked up to see the whole Vongola gang gone and the once plain board had the words written huge.

"Dying Will..."

Nagisa read it Kayano raised her head up enough that her head was resting on her chin she looked at the board and also read it.

"I'm pretty sure they mentioned something like that."

Kayano said in a whisper that Nagisa heard then his eyes widen he stood up abruptly causing his chair to crash against the desk behind it he quickly shuffled around grabbing something from his bag. Sugino got startled awake without even realizing he had fallen asleep in the first place. He sat up and looked at the board to see the words.

"Didn't Yamamoto-san mention stuff about that?"

He asked Nagisa turned around abruptly and slammed his hand on Sugino's desk.


He ran up in front of the class and slammed his notebook that he grabbed onto the teacher podium.

"Okay everyone I need to confirm something with you. Did they all say something along with the words of dying will before or during the fight?"

Everyone ponders then remembered the many times they were told to come at them with their dying will.

"Tsuna mentioned it quite a lot when Karma was attacking him."

Isogai mentioned in the silence of the class the others chipped in saying similar things but all confirming that they did mention it. Nagisa grinned he locked eyes with Karma who smiled gently at him. The boy mouthed words to him Nagisa blushed the second he finished saying the words. Karma smirked then spoke up.

"They went easy on us didn't use the flames they have only used defence techniques. How dare they hold back when fighting me~"

Nagisa nodded.

"Tsuna left us a hint. The simple repeated words of our dying will. Yamamoto mentioned The flames are dying will flames they use your life force and your will to manifest. No one with no clear will could properly use them. The wills could be goals or the will to protect. I'm certain that means with having to make our goal should be the goal we always have. Let's show them end-class isn't to be messed with~"

The classes atmosphere had dropped to one of pure determination and fighting spirit that didn't show that way it showed as the spirit as assassins.

"Let's kill them~"

Nagisa spoke the words suddenly the class all rose from their seats and out of the class. The walked up to Tsuna and his group outside who were talking to each other he turned around to see their determination in their eyes.

"That was faster than I expected~"

The group stood together ready for a fight ready for the assassination. Nagisa smiled gently and walked up to Yamamoto who smiled back at him soon the class disappeared catching the raven head's attention suddenly the man stumbled a bit and an arm appeared out of nowhere and reached to his belt. He did a quick glance to see the others dealing with their own attacks from the students.

"Tsuna I think they passed."

"No, they definitely did."

Tsuna clapped his hands and all the students appeared all of them collapsed onto the ground one by one with exhaustion.

"Congrats everyone you have all unlocked the first form of the dying will forms."


Nagisa spoke up from the silence.

"As I said you all passed stage one."

"What do you mean by first form Tsuna?"

Kaede asked as she slowly got up still tired.

"Well, the best way to show you would be with the footage Korosensei recorded."

Korosenesi appeared without hesitation beside Tsuna with a camera held by one of his tentacles.



The class yelled realizing how long he's been missing since the start of the second period knowing their teacher is always watching their p.e lesson. The yellow octopus handed the camera over.

"But truly a quite unique camera and here I thought your flames couldn't be caught on camera."

"Well, Korosensei this camera was specifically made to show the hidden flames that can't be seen with the naked eye. So even if we hide our flames it shows the small aura we send out which means even our flames will be shown on this camera."

Tsuna started walking into the school while his guardians followed. Korosensei and the rest of the teachers helped the students get up.

"I wonder what we're gonna be shown~"

Karma spoke up beside Nagisa hugging him from behind clearly tired.

"We'll know sooner or later."

Nagisa noticed the teachers handing around energy drinks. Korosensei walked over to the two with two drinks one red one blue. Handing over the red to karma and the blue to Nagisa the two laughed and took a sip the proceeded to exchange the drinks.

"How can you like fruit punch?"

Karma said with a disgusted look on his face.

"I don't know how about you and blueberry?"

Nagisa replied with a smirk.


The two made small talk, laughing and enjoying each others company. They broke apart after seeing Yamamoto walking out of the school.

"We're ready for you!"

He yelled out starling some of the students who were laying down exhausted probably some had fallen asleep. They all stood up and started walking towards the school while the red and blue heads walked hand and hand.


hey... so ill be on a break. the next time i publish another chapter is when i have finished writing this arc. and know what ill be doing for the next arc. I originally planned for this to be a practice for writing and haha can i just say I've only been getting a/4 + when it comes to writing anything for questions or essays basically anything that involves writing in any format at school math is a different issue haha.... even though I've gotten better I've noticed lots of people have been reading this can i just saw that's insane I was excited when ten people read my story look at all of you wasting your time reading my trash. Go read better things for now. I should be back at the end of winter break.

anyway thank you all for reading this messy story. Let's work hard to save Korosensei okay?

If there's any bnha fans reading this i got a new story that ive been writing and honestly i love it so much! its a quirk au but also angel deku au. Go check it out if you ever get bored.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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