Chapter 10

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Warning for a little swearing... I couldn't resist.





The times passed quickly before Tsuna knew it was already Monday once more. He spent his whole week getting to know his class and investigating Koro-sensei. He enjoyed himself but he was still lonely. The boy got ready he did a final look at his watch. 7:08. Class started at 7:15. The boy ran out of the house with a croissant in his hand. Just when he passed the gates in front of the mountain's entrance was Gakushuu crossed arm in the way. Tsuna sighed and rand around back the main building to get to the back of the mountain by the time he was at the foot of the mountain it was. 7:13. Tsuna gasped and could only run up the forest path. By the time he got out of the forest the whole time protecting his food the bell rang. He rushed into the building quickly trying to change shoes. After what seemed like forever the boy ran to the class and opened the door. He bowed quickly without looking at anyone.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

The young boy got hit by chalk.

"You never do change dame-Tsuna hm? Thought you have shrunk."

The man wearing a suit and fedora stood there smirking with Koro-sensei. The class watched confused by the name. The boy looked up in disbelief he dropped his bag and food he saw the man with his arms out ready for an embrace and spoke.


The boy ran up into the hug with enough force to make them fall. The boy started tearing up. While the man just hugged him back chuckling.

"I... missed you... much... I couldn't... even contact...hic... you!"

"I missed you too, mio amore." (my love)

Tsuna tightened the hug and forced himself deeper into the man's chest. He calmed down after smelling the familiar smell of espresso and gunpowder. He looked up to Reborn's face to see Koro-sensei's in the background.


"Language Tsuna-kun!"

"Sorry sensei..."

He said awkwardly trying to get out of the hug with a reluctant Reborn. They both got up but Tsuna was still getting hugged in a protective embrace by Reborn standing behind him. Nagisa raised his hand. Tsuna nodded.

"How do you know the new teacher?"

"New teacher?!"

Tsuna glanced to Reborn who was trying to smile innocently but it was just smirking. Tsuna facepalmed.

"What info did you tell them Reborn?"

"That I'm the new teacher and then you walked in."

Tsuna nodded.

"This man is Reborn my..."


Before the class could speak Reborn continued.

"/tor I mean tutor/bodyguard/.."

He said counting on his hand. Tsuna rolled his eyes the man continued for another second.

"Are you done yet?"

Tsuna said with a pissed look that was easily replaced with a pout.

"For now~"

"Mhm... so does anyone have any questions?"

Reborn let go of tsuna took a chair and brought it to the front he sat down and waved tsuna over to sit on his lap. Tsuna shook his head mouthing no but was easily persuaded by Reborns killing aura. He sat down in defeat while the class watched in shocked not being able to process what was happening. The boy in his tight embrace looked at the yellow octopus he smiled gently.

"Can you go get Karasuma-sensei and Bitch-sensei?"

The Octo-Man could only nod he left and by the time he returned he was with the other confused teachers. Karasuma saw tsuna in the Reborns embrace tsuna just smiled awkwardly and waved.

"Tsuna-kun what's exactly is happening?"

"Well, I'm dealing with an overly clingy man~"

He said the last part sadistically the man mumbled something to get tsuna to laugh making the aura disappear. Sugino raised his hand.

"Go ahead."

"What do you mean fiance?"

"It means exactly what it means kid he asked me out and later I asked him for his hand."

Reborn said.


Karma whispered but in that silence, it was heard by everyone. Reborn released a killing intent that made everyone shudder except Tsuna who looked done with the situation.

"Ohoho~ Wanna fight brat?"

He got elbowed in the gut by tsuna. The boy got up and sighed. Reborn was hugging his stomach on the floor.

"I should introduce myself then..."

The boy opened his eyes revealing orange he spoke in his boss tone.

"My name is Vongola Sawada Tsunayoshi. I am 25."


Irina screamed the class looked at her as she reacted to the 'wrong' thing.


Reborn recovered from the hit and shot his green gun.

"Shut up."

"Reborn don't be rude."

The boy said in a cold tone the man just shrugged.

"Yes. but I'll speak more about that later. After class, Reborn and I need to exchange information."

He walked out dragging his lover who tipped his fedora to the class.



I know that everyone was waiting for our beautiful fedora wearing mad and you don't know how much i wanted to write his appearance. i even accidentally wrote a chapter where he showed up  in the chapter after tsuna's first day. i was just so into writing it that i never really realized what i was doing. until i reread it and went wait a minute... i complained to my friend for like ten minutes about my mess up. Thanks for dealing with me complaining about the cold and my story Belle! (NOT HER REAL NAME haha get pranked)  this paragraph will also show you my problems with i's which is why i don't write in first person normally. i do want to try it someday.

Reborn's age/size in this universe will be explained don't worry.

If you skipped that I don't blame you. I was just ranting. Ps, I'm sorry for the OOC Reborn but I just like him being clingy...

I'm listening to the opening of fresh prince of bel air i dont know why but whatever


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