Chapter 17

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Reborn stood at the door looking at the students in their uniforms they all looked at him curiously as to what was gonna happen.

"Okay do you all remember the flames Tsuna named for you?"


"Okay good because if you didn't I would have shot you where you stood."

Reborn said with a cold voice with Leon on his hand. Most of the students weren't affected by his words calling it bullshit. Tsuna pops up from behind him startling the class once more. Karma was just about to pick a fight with the brunette lucky he didn't get to lose with Nagisa holding him back laughing awkwardly.

"Just to say I've been shot many times by this guy."

He pointed at Reborn who suddenly had a gun in his hand pointed at the brunette's head.

"Pointing is rude Dame-Tsuna."

"I think pointing a gun at someone is worse."

"Oho I leave you alone for a little bit and you become a smartass. How about I tutor you proper etiquette again?~"

"Oh I'm Reborn and I think I'm so great with my fedora and gun.~"

He said in a mocking tone without delay a noise was heard.



The class called out. They saw Tsuna with a gun still to his head but the tip frozen. Everyone looked in awe.

"This is called zero point breakthrough where I cause my flames to go to negative temperatures turning it into ice."

They'll just stood there taking it in.

"This is why tutoring is boring with you."

"You're the one who trained all of this into my very core."

"You're right."

They walked out hand in hand like the gun incident never happened. Rio whispered to the class as they followed them.

"How can they act like that right after getting shot at by the other?"

The class just shrugged they've seen many weird things but this scene might take the cake for them.

They were all outside to see a build board with the map of the hill split into different areas. All six colours of the flames. Tsuna walked up to it and stood beside it.

"Now all of you should be going to your respected areas. Those with secondary go to you're main for today. Now get going!"

All the students walked to their assigned location some nervous others excited. Nagisa headed to the rain section with Sugino a bit anxious while the other was showing clearly his excitement.

They arrived at the pool that Korosensei made for the hot summer weather. There he was looking at the pool showing his back to the students walking over to him with a sword in hand while the top rested on his shoulder. The man though was tall his shadow seemed to loom over the students like they were ants. The man turned around with a slash to their direction causing all of them to jump back.



Nagisa didn't seem to care all that much about the sword that could have cut him in half. What he was bothered by was the man's disposer was completely different then what was once shown. Takashi didn't seem to be the same age as the rest though they already knew he was older the difference in disposer was great. The experience he had adopted over the years of fighting truly was petrifying with how he showed it in his meaner of fighting. He showed no openings no he didn't have any sort of opening his guard was up with no sign of slipping away.

"The flames are dying will flames they use your life force and your will to manifest. No one with no clear will could properly use them. The wills could be goals or the will to protect. Mine would be my will to protect my family but I'm sure that's everyone else's as well."

Takashi's sword was coated in a blue flame he swung it around as he spoke showing that it wasn't going to fade as a normal fire would.

"You should use you're dying will to come at me and take..."

Takashi took out a small blue box from his pocket.

"Take this box away from my person and I'll show you how to use your flames."

He placed it on his belt and moved over to a tree sheath his sword leaning it on the tree. He walks over back to where he stood.

"You must stay inside this section. You can use any weapon. You can try as many times as you want. Alright, you have thirty minutes starting now."

All the students retreated into the forest leaving the black-haired boy alone.

"Haha, they left pretty quickly smart move. Tsuna warned me you were all smart don't disappoint me now."


Thanks for the help guys!

I spent way to long trying to remember! But anyway now i have another chapter done which means yall get this update.

Also, wth up with those views. Stop it. This story isnt good yall need to calm down.

Yamamoto is bae.

All of them are bae.

Whose your khr bae?

Hope you enjoyed!

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