Chapter 4

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**Tsuna universe the night before**

A tall man in a black suit and a button up orange undershirt with black spiky hair, paced in an office with a pissed off look on his face. His sharp eyes glanced at a fedora on the desk he walked over to it and grabbed it and placed it on his head. He turned swiftly towards the door he slammed the door open and walked to a room down the hall. He entered it inside was kings size bed with nightstands on each side. On the other side of the room was a seating area with two red couches with an oval shaped coffee table made of wood in the middle beside the bed was a door connected to an ensuite bathroom. The man walked over to a nightstand with a photo on it with two men hugging each other. (The one on the cover and at the top.) He picked it up and looked at it sadly.

"I'll find you Tsuna. Soon I promise."

A knock was heard reborn placed the photo back and glanced at the door


"Reborn-sama Yamamoto-Sama has sent me to inform you that they found Byakuran-sama."

The woman in a maid uniform informed. The second reborn heard these words he quickly took out his phone and placed it near his ear while his other hand was in his pocket.

"Hello, Yamamoto Takeshi speaking."

"Where did you find him?!"

"Oh, Reborn! How are holding up?"

"I asked you a question Bakamoto!"

"Maa maa, I found him with Verde. I still haven't infiltrated."


Reborn hung up the phone and broke it in his hand his aura was completely indulged with killing intent.

"He better have a good reason. Both of them."

He gave the broken phone to the maid

"Please get me a new one from my collection."

"Understood Reborn-sama."

She bowed and walked out. Reborn took a deep breath and slowly calmed down and hide his presence. He walked out of the room and headed towards the front door he grabbed his jacket.

"Reborn-sama. Here is your phone."

The maid handed it to him. He took it and nodded

"Thank you, Rosa. I won't be back for a while Gokudera will be left in charge don't tell him anything about Decimo."

Rosa nodded and smiled.

He really did start learning all our names because of Tsunayoshi-sama influence.

She bowed and headed towards Gokudera's office which was near Tsuna's right now he was doing all the paperwork with the other guardians help here and there when they had the time.

**time skip to the morning brought to you by laziness**

Reborn stood in front of a cabin in the middle of the woods. He walked to the door not even bothering to knock he walked in. In front of him stood another door with a panel beside him with a keypad number. Reborn smirked


He proceeded to type it in the door opened.


He walked in the door closed behind him and the room started to go down. It was an elevator. It stopped and open revealing a hallway with three doors one on the left the other on the right with two at each end of the hallway. The man walked out and went into the middle door. Inside was dark there sat a man in front of many screens and another napping on a couch cuddling with a bag of marshmallows.


The man at the computers turned around on his chair. He had glasses on with eyes bags he had green hair. He adjusted his glasses and look at Reborn.

"How did you get in?"

"The password was Vipers birthday. Do you still have a crush?"

The man chuckled

"Now that's none of your business."

"Speaking of business."

He walked over to the white-haired man hugging marshmallows. He kicked him.


He opened his eyes

"Oh reborn you're early."

Reborn let out a sadistic smirk.

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

He said sarcastically as he continued to kick Byakuran. He grabbed him by the collar.

"Where is Tsuna!?"

"Clam down. I sent him to a universe to save someone important."

"Do you think I care?"

He said coldly with a sharp glare. Byakuran sighed then smiled

"So what do you need from me?"

"Bring him back!"

"Can't. I need him."


Reborn threw him on the ground and sat on the couch.

"Can you send me to him?"

**Nagisa's universe**


Tsuna sneezed. It was quiet and gentle.

"Pff that was adorable Tsu-chan"

Karma smirked only to get hit on the head by Nagisa

"Are you okay Tsuna-kun?"

Tsuna smiled and nodded


"Quiet back there!"

Karasuma-sensei said


The two said while karma continued to giggle only to get whacked on the head by Nagisa again.


Okay so on my document I wrote chapter 3 for this then realized I had two chapter threes I was honestly confused and shocked now I have more chapters prepared then I thought I had.

Hope you enjoyed!

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