Chapter One . . . X-Ray to the Rescue

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Chapter One . . . X-Ray to the Rescue

Catherine's POV

"You're Brownman?" I asked with a smirk and he only smiled back.

"Yes I am, but you can call me Ray."

"Well, Ray do you want to sit?" I offered but he shook his head and declined.

"Actually I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk." I bit my lip and debated. Should I walk with a random stranger? "I know that sounds weird, but you can trust me. I may be Mexican but I am completely harmless." He joked making me laugh.

"Fine but if you murder me I will come back to haunt you, understand?" I said while standing up and grabbing my things.

We both walked out the door while that nice older waitress stared at us with a small smile one her face.

"So what's your real name? Or would you rather me call you ArcherGirl?" He asked jokingly as we began walking in a direction I was unfamiliar with.

"Catherine, but you can call me Cat."

"Meow." He teased. "Where you from Cat?" He added after.

"Pennsylvania, I just kind of moved here today." I answered honestly. Why was I being so honest with a stranger? It's not like I could trust anyone else around here right?

"Today?" He asked surprised and I nodded.

"My plans aren't exactly working out the way I want them to, but what can you do?" I said with a shrug.

"Well what do you mean by that?" I sighed.

"Well, I'll have to live in a crap-tastic apartment with a sweaty owner who wants to have gross greasy sex with me. Oh and I don't have a job."

"Wow that really sucks." He said making me roll my eyes.

"Well, thanks for making me feel better." He smirked as he suddenly came to a stop making me almost run into him.

"Actually, I think I'm going to make your day a whole lot better." I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, X-Ray to the rescue!" He yelled and grabbed my hand pulling me to a building.

"Are you going to murder me in here?" I asked as he dragged me through the door.

"No X-Ray is only here to help not kill, but Vav on the other hand -" He trailed off and stopped us at a desk where a young blonde was sitting staring at us with her eyebrow raised.

"Ray are you scaring fans away again?" She asked with a confused smile.

"No I'm X-Ray to the rescue!" I covered my face with my hands and shook my head.

"Who's your new friend?" The woman asked after rolling her eyes.

"This is Catherine a.k.a Cat! MEOW!" I squinted my eyes at him with annoyance, but the blonde only laughed and shook her head like it was normal.

"I'm Kara it's nice to meet you Cat." She held out her hand and I quickly grabbed it and shook it.

"Nice to meet you too Kara." She smiled warmly at me like we were going to become friends.

"Now that you two lovely ladies are talking, I need to see Burnie. Please tell me he's in." Ray said with sad eyes.

"Of course he's in. He runs the place Ray. Go back to the office he has nothing going on right now."

"X-RAY!" He yelled and ran down the hall until I couldn't see him anymore.

"Is he always like that?" I asked totally stunned at the way he was acting.

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