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Calum woke up early and turned off his alarm clock. He turned over to see Ashton snoring. Calum hadn't heard that in forever and it caught him off guard. He quickly shook his head and got out of bed getting ready for the day. Luke goes to knock on the door as Calum opens it causing Luke to fall on top of Calum. Luke frowns and they stand up from the floor not before Luke throws Calum a cold glare.

"What class do you have?"

"I have a criminal justice class. What about you?" Luke groans

"English literature."

"let's get going then."

Calum nodded and they wished each other a good day as they went their separate ways. Calum walked into his class and possibly saw the best looking guy ever. Well that's a exaggeration Calum just thought he was very attractive. To his advantage the seat beside him was empty but so were all of the seats and the boy would've questioned why Calum sat next to him. Calum didn't even know he was gay for sure but his 'gay radar' went off. Calum decided he had to grow his big boy pants and went to sit next to him. To Calums surprise he gained a smile from the boy.

"All the other seats are empty." The boy laughs and Calum blushed, "J-just wanted to make some friends.". The boy nods and holds his hand out, "William but since you're now my friend you can call me Will."

"I'm Calum.". Calum focused on the boys facial features his lips were almost too perfect, his eyes dark brown and his dark skin that makes Calum melt away. Calum has to force himself to look away when more students started entering the class


"It was nice to meet you, here's my number." Will smiles holding out a ripped piece of loose leaf paper. Calum smiles back putting the paper inside of his book. He walks away and sees Luke who was wiggling his eyebrows.

"Who's that?"

"Will." Calum didn't even notice himself as he had the hugest grin on his face

"Ooh someone's got a crush."

"Well! What about you?"

"Calum I'm dating Michael-"

"Right!" Calum and Luke walked back to Lukes dorm and sat on the bed. "Hey!" Calum guessed Lukes roommate exited the bathroom.

"Hey Darius this is Calum."

"Nice to meet you Calum you're Lukes boyfriend?"


Darius nodded, "whoops.. I'm gonna be out, I have a date tonight."

"First date huh?" Calum laughed

"No my girlfriend, been with her for three years." Darius eyes lit up and Calum frowned as he once remembered any mention of Calum and Ashton's eyes would do the same. Luke coughed and Calum snapped out of his thoughts saying goodbye to Darius.

"What's wrong now?"

"My roommate." Calum sighed

"Is he mean?"


"You guys just met?"

"It's him."


"My roommate... it's Ashton."

Lukes eyes widen and he tries to put on a fake smile but gives up, "Well... fuck.".


Calum tried to stay as long as he could to avoid Ashton but Luke eventually fell asleep. Calum wandered in the hall a bit before going back to his room. He turned on the lights and found Ashton passed out on his bed.

"Excuse me." Calum rolled his eyes walking over to him

Ashton didn't budge, "Hello? Ashton!". Ashton peeled open a eye and hissed at the light only to close it again.

"Ashton get out of my bed."

"Comeeee- cal just li-like old times." Ashton slurred his words turning around. Calum was taken back at the smell, "You smell like pure alcohol.". Ashton looked up at Calum and groaned.

"Can you-"

Ashton bent over the bed and threw up on the floor which splattered on calums shoes. Calum glared at him and took off his shoes running to the bathroom. He cleaned them and came back out to find Ashton sitting up against the headboard with his eyes closed. Calum sighed and walked over to him.

"C-cal whereeee are you taking m-me?"

"The bathroom." Calum said as he tried his best to support Ashton while walking to the bathroom.

"Here." Calum handed Ashton his toothbrush with toothpaste on it and Ashton frowned

"Fine say ah."

Ashton opened his mouth and Calum brushes his teeth, "You're even more annoying than I last remembered." Calum smiles sarcastically. "Shut up." Ashton tried to say as Calum continued to brush his teethZ Ashton cupped some water and put it into his mouth spitting it back out, "I had a- a new one tonight."

"New what?"

"Guyyy" Ashton giggles as Calum led his back to Ashton's own bed

"How interesting." Calum says sarcastically covering Ashton with his blankets.

"We don't speak a word of this tomorrow."

"I-if I even re-remember." Ashton hiccuped and closed his eyes

Calum stares at Ashton and is on the verge of a breakdown before pushing it back and going to clean up his throw up

"Looks like I'll need you tonight." Calum laughed to himself as he put up his Harry styles poster. He laid down in his bed and stared at the ceiling. What a day..

"Hoodnight." Ashton mumbled

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