Chapter 2 - The Encounter

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We see Mr.Paul approaching the class so I immediately enter though Emi, Sarah and Rochelle are still gossiping there. Going near my seat I see my bag's not in there rather another bag was kept in its place. I look around for a while but am unable to figure out so I ask kind of furiously whose bag is it since I don't like it when someone replaces my bag. Right then a voice comes from behind, " It's mine."

I turn around and see a boy dressed in blue jeans, a grey t-shirt along with a black leather jacket and black sneakers, whom I hadn't seen before. Dark black straightened hair, his nose is pointed like someone carved it. Gorgeous deep brown eyes with the kind of medium dark lashes. While I was wondering who he is also deep down angry for removing my bag , I asked him,"Why did you remove my bag?" Though my voice comes out low.

"The seat was vacant. I didn't remove your bag", he replies in a mild unaffected tone.

"You did. My bag was here", I protest and this time my voice is high but he seems to not care. He's giving a minimal expression .

"I didn't", saying so he just sits there ignoring me as if I don't exist. God, he has so much of attitude. I don't know if he removed my bag or not but at least he should talk properly, instead he's throwing attitude on me. Don't know who he is. So, as I am about to question him further,  the teacher comes and I have to suppress myself but deep down I was getting more and more angry over him not because of the bad incident but for showing so much of attitude. He's indeed a complete robotic guy. Eventually I sit where my bag is kept at the back, beside Emi. Al through the class I am continuously looking at him with an angry look though he didn't turn at me even for once. Also I am thinking who removed my bag if he didn't because it seemed like he wasn't lying. I ask Emi and she is just giggling and finally admits that it was she who removed my bag from my seat and kept it beside hers' . I am totally blank,"What? You removed my bag? Why didn't you tell me before? And when did you do that?" I ask her.

"Come on Eila, how could I tell you since I just now came to class and as soon as I came, I found you were arguing with Jim. By the time I was going to tell you this, teacher came and I didn't get the chance. So I thought I'll tell you now. And yeah, I removed your bag after you kept it there and was talking to Jia, I forgot to tell you", as she says so I realize that he's Jim and I am so lame to not guess it before since he's the only new guy in our class. But like SERIOUSLY! The girls have got a crush on him! He is a complete weirdo. Actually he's handsome and I can't deny that, still he's a Robo. But yeah, no matter he's a weirdo or not I argued with him for no reason. Now I am actually feeling guilty also a bit ashamed for what I did. But he was also at fault. He just ignored and didn't clarify the matter, I thought to myself. 

"But why did you remove my bag ? There were other seats vacant. He could have sitted anywhere", I ask Emi since I don't see any reason for him to sit there. 

"Actually he's Sam's cousin. So they both sat together. Sam told me then. He also asked me to inform you. Since Jim's new so he's comfortable sitting with Sam", she says and I begin wondering that Jim is Sam's cousin and Sam did not tell me anything! That's not fair. But then I remember that he was also not present in the class when me and Jim were arguing , also I was not active on facebook since the past two days to check if there was any message from anyone or not. I'm sure Sam must have texted me about Jim. Still that Robo is my best friend's cousin! Anyway I think I should apologise to Jim but don't know how to.

After class is over Rochelle, Sarah including Emi gather around me with bunch of questions that why I argued with Jim for no reason. "God Eila, have you seen him? Any girl would have a crush on him after seeing him for the first time but you quarrelled with him", Rochelle says furrowing her temple. Though I must admit that he's indeed really handsome but that doesn't mean I'll have a crush on him. It's not so easy, I mean at least not for me.

"Okay, I admit I was wrong . But have you all seen his attitude?" I say to make them realize that the boy on whom they are crushed also has some attitude problem which they need to consider.

"What attitude? He was normal. You were the one to start the mess first", Sarah replies. Actually she's right. I am the one at fault and so I give up to defending for what I did. Amidst this Rochelle started saying," But have you all noticed one thing. Since Jim came he didn't talk to any girl except Eila. We all tried talking to him once since yesterday as he's Sam's cousin but he didn't respond, right? He didn't pay attention to anyone  of us. But he talked to Eila. Isn't that weird?" And as soon as she said so, others begin wondering.

"Was it your dark black-brown wavy hair or your typical round nose , your big black eyes decorated with medium lashes. Huh? Say it madam", they asked me giving my full description and I am just giving a shitty look at them, like REALLY!

"No no. It's her nerdy round specs that caught his attention", Emi said giggling and all join her. I am just thinking what's wrong with them , also clueless since I have no idea what to say further. But thankfully just then it was time for our next lecture which is of Miss. Henry as it's Auditing class. Today we have two continuous lectures. Still I'm glad that I am finally freed from this girly court meeting.

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