Chapter 73 - AML

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Before returning home I decided to meet Jennifer once. It's been long. Jim and I are walking down the lanes when he stops all of a sudden which makes me look at him. "What's wrong?"

"I have to tell you something", he states which makes me wonder.


He just smiles. "Tell meeee", I say in an impatient voice.

"I got the deal", he gushes. Wait! Which deal?

"Which one?" I ask.

"I told you once about the plot in Boston where I wanted to open a branch on our cafe, remember?" He makes me reminisce.

"Oh yeah", I say upon realizing but the next moments my whole face glitters up since I am able to grasp that he finally got the plot. His dream is turning true! I bury my mouth in both my hands as I'm still finding it hard to react. "Really?" I immediately hug him. "I'm proud of you Robo. I'm so so so happy for you", I say upon releasing him a bit just to face him while he grins. "I want a treat", I demand.


"Yeah", I act.

"So what do you want madam?" 

"Mmm... ", I release him and act with my index finger-popping on my lips. "6 ice creams, 20 chocolates, 5 cotton candies, 4 burgers, 7 sandwiches, 3 coke, 5 milkshakes, and 8 pizza. Yeah, that's all". He just stands like a Robo with a shock in his face.

"Will you be able to eat all these alone?" His shocked face is way too cute to explain.

"Why not? I tummy is not that small', I act rubbing my stomach. But the horrified look is still present in his face which makes me laugh hard.

"I was joking", I gush. "I am not a monster t have this much of food altogether by myself. But yeah, I want a treat".

"What do you want?" He chuckles.

"Something cooked by you", I demand. I really wanna taste food made by him.

"But I can't cook", his face is neutral.

"Huh? Not even a single dish?" I guess that can't be possible. He can cook something at least.

"Yeah. I can make an omelet", he rubs the back of his head which makes me laugh. 

"Just am omelet?"

"Hmm", awkward Robo! "

"Okay, an omelet is enough. We are going to your place. You'll make an omelet for me once we reach", I order.

"Oookay ma'am", and here we go.

.   .   .

I already met Jennifer. She's busy with the customers in the cafe while Jim and I are in the kitchen inside his home. It's a nicely arranged and beautifully furnished kitchen. He doesn't allow me inside since he wants his time alone inside the kitchen to which I agree. Indeed an awkward Robo! Meanwhile, I sit in living and watch TV. Nothing specific, I'm just changing channels. Soon Jim comes with the omelet. "This looks nice", he garnished the top with some coriander leaves. I can't wait to taste. "Let's taste now", I act as if we are in a cooking competition where I'm the judge and he's the contestant. 

I take hold of the spoon and then take a bite of the omelet. Okay! "I give you 5 out of 5", I act. 

"You liked it?" He asks.

"Yessss. Just I wanna know one thing", I gush.


"Were there no salt at your home?" I laugh hard as he realizes that he didn't put any salt in the omelet. 

"I forgot to put the salt in it", he goes blank. Poor Robo!

"But it's really yummy", I take another bite.

"No, leave it. I know it doesn't taste good without salt. Leave it. I'll make again", he insists and tries to take the plate away but I don't let him do so since I liked it a lot and I want to finish this. So I put the rest of the omelet altogether into my face and try to chew. 

"What did you do?" He laughs upon seeing since there's no space left in my mouth and the way he's laughing is making me laugh too. I try hard to hold back my laughter and quickly engulf the food. I avoid looking at him as that'll make me laugh. He intentionally comes in front of me but I look away and finally, I finished it. I drink water from the glass in front of me while he's still gushing. "Why were you trying to make me laugh?" I make a face at him.

"To tease you", he grins.

"Bad Robo".

A Week Later

I am not feeling good since morning. I am about to get my reports today. What will be the results? There are so many things to worry about I can't stay calm even for a single second. My mind is racing. I am getting nervous and hyper. Can I be cured? Is everything gonna be fine or not? All such questions are burying my mind. In the past week, I did a lot of research on Leukemia and I got to know one thing that it's not easy to cure Leukemia. Even if the treatment works at first, there are still chances for it to come back. My whole body is shivering. I don't know how to act or what to do. 

I hear a knock on my door and see it's Jim standing on the other side. "Time to leave", he states. It's time to visit the doctor. I can visibly notice the tension on his face even though he's trying to act normal.

"Let's go", and we head out. Others are not coming since they suggested Jim to go with me. We take the bus and soon reach the hospital and finally it's our turn to enter Rebecca's cabin.

"Hello. Sit." Rebecca faces the computer screen in front of her. "So Eila. Your reports are here", she faces us. My leg is shivering. "It's confirmed that you have Acute Myeloid Leukemia, in short AML." I read about this. 

"This can be cured right?" Jim asks bending forward.

"Look I will suggest you take her to UVA Cancer Center in Virginia. That'll be best. There is the treatment for AML and I'm sure if things go fine and there remains no complication then she'll be alright", her lips curve into a smile. "Book an appointment with Dr. Alen Brown, I know him personally. He is a great Oncologist. I'm sure he'll treat her well. And wait, I have the hospital number", Rebecca searches something in her drawer and finally comes with a visiting card and hands Jim. "Call on this number to book an appointment and meet Alen. The treatment should be started as early as possible. Also, I'll inform him that I'm sending a patient and send hi your report so that it won't take much time for him to study the case details."

"Thank you so much. But she'll be fine right?" Even his voice changed due to stress.

"Don't worry. Alen is a great doctor. Okay wait, let me book the appointment for you". Rebecca takes the card from his hand and calls on the given number. Soon after the other person on the call picks up and they carry on with some conversation and finally, the date is after 2 days. "So day after tomorrow", she lets out a breath. Meanwhile, I'll talk to Alen about the whole thing.

(You're liking it. Do let me know.
The next chapters are coming really soon. Till then keep loving and keep voting :)
I hope I can give it a meaningful ending.)

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