Chapter 82 - After (II)

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I change my gown for a comfy loose white shirt and shorts. I am feeling so light now. The gown was indeed too heavy to handle. I come out of the washroom and see Jim working on his laptop. I just stand near the door and keep looking at him. I am at his house, in his room as his wife. God! This feeling!

I just keep looking at him with all of me. He shaved his hair just to avoid making me feel small and I don't know if I should be happy or sad. I didn't want him to do this. He has his own life and I feel, somehow I am not allowing him to be his own. He is all the time concerned about what I like or not. But I don't want this. I want him to live his life and live for his own. What bothers me the most is... If I die then what's gonna happen to him.

I go near him as he is working on his laptop. "I sit beside him in bed, "Robo".

"Hmm", he nods without facing me.

"Why did you shave your hair?" He stops his work and immediately turns at me.

"What happened?"

"Why did you do this? I'm sorry", that's all I have to say.

"Why are you saying sorry?" He keeps his laptop aside and comes near.

"I know you did this because of me. I'm so sorry but please don't do such things again. I hate to see you like this. I want you to live the way you want".

"This is the way I want", he states holding my face. "I shaved because I wanted to be like you on our wedding. I loved doing this. Trust me. Don't blame yourself. This was completely my decision and I have no regret", he states.

"But..". Before I can say he interrupts, "What? I am happy. I really am. Doing this indeed made me happy". I can feel his words. He isn't lying yet I am afraid for our future.

"Now let me work", he again takes hold of his laptop and starts working.

But what's so important that he's so lost in his work and isn't looking at me even for once. At least he should stop working tonight. " What are you doing?"

"Nothing. I just need to send an email to the builders", his eyes are still glued to the screen of his laptop.
My mind is acting too playful today. I go near and sit facing him on his lap. Crossing my both legs around his waist I give him a tight hug.
"What. Are. You. Doing?" He pauses in between each word with a grin.

"NOTHING. You. Do. Your. Work", I say like him and rest my head on his shoulder closing my eyes. "I'm sleepy".

"Then sleep", he grins.

"I'll sleep here", I grab him tight and try to sleep. " Good night Mr. Husband", I chuckle.

"Sleep tight", he gushes.

"And finish work fast, alright?"


Jim's POV :

I am done with my work in this posture where she is sitting upon me. I check my phone once and text Jack if he talked to his men or not. After I'm done, I try to look at her but she's grabbing me so tight. Silly girl. For the next few moments I just sit just like that embracing her back as she's sleeping peacefully.

In no way I can drive away the fear of losing her. As days are passing my heart is skipping a beat in passing moment. I hope we get a donor fast. I can't even dare to think about the consequence in case we fail to find a donor within time. My body just jerks up with this thought. I hold her tight and close my eyes to feel her presence in me.

Eila's POV :

I wake up and stretch my arms. Jim is sleeping peacefully beside me. I press a soft kiss on his cheeks and get out of bed. After freshing up, I go down and see Jennifer is already awake.

"Good morning".

"Hey. Good morning. When did you wake?"

"Just now", I reply.

"You know Eila I am so happy that you came in our family", she comes near from the kitchen and holds my hand.

"I'm so lucky to have you as my mother-in-law". I am indeed lucky.

"Your last chemo is tomorrow right?" Her face turns grim.

"Hmm", I make a face. But I am getting worried now. The chemos are gonna finish yet there is no sign of a donor.

"Every thing is gonna be fine. Okay. You guys stay. I need to check on the cafe".

"Okay". I go up back in my room to wake Jim up. I sit beside him on bed and gently pull his cheeks and then his nose. I am enjoying this. I grin low and gently surf my index finger all over his face and then on his lips. They are way too soft. I can't resist anymore. I bend low and kiss him on his lips. I don't care if he's sleeping or not. After I release I see him opening his eyes and his lips curve into a smile.

"Good morning", I greet upon resting my chin on his chest.

"You too. What were you doing?" He chuckles.

"Nothing at all", I act innocent.

"Really?" He narrows his eyes.

"Yess. I am honest", I make a puppy face.

"I can see that", he teases.

"Shut up and wake up." He does the same.

Rest of the hours pass with the three of us gossiping and visiting Sam's house where we meet his parents and spend some family time together. But it's true that I'm missing home, I miss auntie, Emi and John. Though I talked to them over phone a couple of times today. Still, I need time to cope up with this new environment.

. . .

I just came back from the hospital after receiving my last chemo. But I am not feeling good. My whole body is shivering. Jim makes me lie on bed and covers me up with the blanket. I am feeling too cold. He places his palm on my temple. "You are having a high fever. We need to go to the hospital now", he urges.

"No. I don't wanna go again", I refuse. I am finding it difficult to even move a bit.
He brings the thermometer and measures my body temperature. It's 40 degree celsius and increasing.

"We can't delay. We need to reach the hospital right now".

"Please. I'll be fine in a while. I don't wanna go again", I am finding it hard to even speak.

"No. Doctor said in such case we need see him urgently". He doesn't listen to me and he helps me get up from bed and we head for the hospital again.

The nurse makes me lie on the bed and calls Alen.
"Oh no. The temperature is 40.222. Infection I guess".

He instructs the nurse to inject the salines fast. I see Jim standing behind him with millions of unexplainable fear in his eyes. He is stressed, stressed a lot.

The nurse brings a trolly full with medicine and again fixes the cannula on the back of my palm. On after another she injects liquid into my body. I am falling too sleepy now. I close my eyes and have no idea when I fell asleep.

I slowly open my eyes and see Alen talking to Jim.
"I am sorry. I checked but yet we couldn't find any donor", Alen states.

"How much time do we have?" Jim asks. His voice is shaky.

"We need to do the transplant fast within two weeks as her chemos her over today".

"Oh", he doesn't say anything further and faces me. As he sees me awake, coming near Jim rests him palm on my temple. "How are you feeling now?"

"Better", I reply. He is trying hard to compose himself but I know he's broken from inside. This is what I feared. I don't wanna see him like this.
"I am fine." I say again but he's still facing me with a void look.

"Let's go home now. You are discharged", he helps me get out of the bed and we head back home. He didn't say a single word all the way back. I am not liking this at all. What I feared the most is turning true. I hate him when he behaves like this.

(Guys the last chapters are here. I published all at once since I am planning to enter the wattys this year. Read the next few last chapters and don't miss the ending. You're gonna be emotional. Trust me.

Please let me know whay you felt all through this book. I would love to know your views )

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