Chapter 5 - Family

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Going home I see John; Emi's father is back from the tour. Emi immediately runs to hug him and I am so happy seeing the broad smile in auntie's face after weeks. John mostly stays outdoor for his work. I could guess clearly seeing auntie that she missed him a lot when he was not at home. And so is Emi. But right now they are enjoying a happy family time. I wish to ask him about his well being but at the same time kind of hesitated since I know he doesn't like me. Or I should say he doesn't want me here with them. But somehow I succeed to drive away the hesitation and finally go near him,"Hello uncle. How was your journey?"

"It was fine", he says forcing a smile on his face. It's not out of my expectation. I knew he'll behave so. My bond with him is not that much congenial. To be straight, he does not like me from the day I started residing with them, he never accepted me. I don't know if it's because of me staying with them as a third wheel or my father for whatever he did. He didn't want me to stay here with them three. But auntie forcibly brought me here to live with them as I have none left in this world to claim as my dear ones after Mom's death and aunty always supported me since then in every situation. John unwillingly agreed to her words. Many a times I heard uncle and auntie quarreling regarding me residing here. He wanted me to move out in the dorm but auntie refused as I fall sick most often and in the dorm there'll me none to take care of me. I don't want them to fight because of me and for that I just hate myself because I'm nothing but a burden to them. Sometimes I wish to run away so that they could live peacefully but I know if I do so then I'll also get the tag of a "Runaway" or probably a "Deserter" like dad and I certainly don't want that. Also where will I go?
But whatever be the situation I can't deny the fact that John gave me shelter in his home and I'm forever grateful to him. 

" Mom, make Dad's favorite dish today", Emi actually missed him a lot.  I can realize what she might be feeling right now and it's obvious. Anyone would have felt the same upon seeing their father after so long. But this is not the same with me. I never ever wanna see my dad again. I don't want him back in my life. I don't know where he is , but I don't even want to know. 

" Of course", auntie says agreeing with her as she heads towards the kitchen and uncle goes in his room. I'm sure she's not gonna leave any stone unturned today. Auntie's always been a great cook and it's actually a treat to have her food. To be honest my friends in college love her food, they just find opportunities to visit our home and auntie will make delicious feast for them.

As me and Emi head towards our room Emi states with a happy face "I'm so happy today." 

"I know. I know. John came", I really love it when she's happy. Suddenly her happy face took a sheepish grin as she says,"Yeah, that's a reason and another is......"

" What?" and I begin wondering what other reason could there be? But I fail to figure out since I can't think of any other reason for her being this much happy.

Giving a wicked look she says,"Guess guess", but I can't. I'm really clueless of what she's talking about. 

" Mmmm...I don't have any idea. Wait , did Tacker gave you any gift or surprise?" I finally think of a reason but at the same time I somehow know that I might be wrong since if that was the case I might have known it before. So, I guess it's not. And guess what I'm right," No you fool. I'm happy because today you and Jim kissed", as she says so I am .... actually I don't really know how to react. I know the matter's something else that's making her so happy but I never thought this would be the reason. 

"What's  there to be so happy in this! That was just a challenge. Nothing much and get that right", I  give her a carefree look though I know she's not gonna take it so easy.

" Okay, okay. But trust me madam, it was great seeing you both like that. Moreover, Jim's a good guy. Trust me sis, he's a safe option to date," she says with a sheepish grin. But NO, I can't date him, in fact I can't date anyone. I don't wanna date anyone. To be honest I don't trust loving someone. Though a part of my heart still believes love's not always about betrayal but a part of me is still bothered by the dreadful experience I went through seeing my parents. Before I say anything, Emi could guess my fear and hence says, "Look baby, I know, what you're thinking. I'm not saying you to rush all these but I really want you to give LOVE a chance in your life. Only LOVE can heal the worst of you. Trust me. Everyone's not same. I'm not saying that Jim has to be the guy but at least open the door of your heart for someone to enter and heal you. Only then you'll realize that there's no better feeling than this. No better feeling", she explains stressing the last sentence. I'm still left wondering of the fact that what'll I do. It's weird that sometimes we remain so intangibly entangled in our own unknown world of delusion without any knowledge of reality. 

Whatever be it, I don't wanna bother much but at the same time I can't deny the fact that I actually kissed that weirdo. Most amazing fact to me is how did I? It was certainly not easy for me. I never allowed someone to get so close to me but in his case I don't know why but it was different. My heart permitted me to let him enter. Is it because our heart realizes first what we need before we ourselves know that. Whatever, be it, I don't wanna bother myself with these. Things are just getting complicated for me after I met him. While Emi's still glaring at me with the hope of getting a positive response while I remain deluged in train of thoughts.

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