Chapter 33 - New Journey

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Grabbing my shoulder he lifts me up,"You know one thing?" He gushes.

"What?" I stop crying.

"You nose", he points gently touching it with his index finger. But what's wrong with my nose!


"Your nose looks like a big red tomato whenever you cry", he gushes. 

"What?" I frown. "Really?" Immediately I bring out the phone from his the front pocket of his pant and turn on the selfie camera to see since my phone is left in my room upstairs. When I take a look I see.. No. It's kind of red but not tomato. I turn at him while he is laughing. So he was teasing me! I frown at him. Immediately he hugs me. I know he did this to make me smile. I hug him back more tight when...

"Ehm", we hear someone cough. Immediately we release only to find Mr.Lee behind us giving an awkward look. God! This is really an awkward situation. I know Jim's feeling the same now.

'Umm. We'll be leaving in an hour. I hope you both packed your bags", Mr.Lee says.

"We did", Jim and I reply at the same time and we both look at each other sharing a smile while we see Mr.Lee glaring at both of us.

"I should go", I say and immediately try to run away from the place while I hear Jim saying,"I have some work" to Mr.Lee. I know he's also trying to avoid the situation. I wonder what sir might be thinking right now!

.  .  .

Finally it's time to leave. We also confronted Sarah and Keith and demanded a treat to which they both agreed. Also, they want a treat from me and Jim. We both agreed but only if Keith and Sarah gives first. Winnie's still not stable. I think she needs more time. I really miss her. The old Winnie. I wonder if our friendship will ever be the same again!

As all are riding on the bus one by one Annie comes to me, "I knew, you'll take the right decision". 

"Thank you. Without you I would have never figured it out", I hug her since she was a constant support to me. I will really miss her. There's a kind of motherly affection with her which I can't explain in words. "I'll miss you".

"I will miss you too. Take care of yourself and no matter what, always support Jim", she advises still hugging me.

"I will", we release. Annie goes near Jim who is just a feet away from me. "Take care of Eila".

"I will. Always", Jim assures her to which I smile. I know he'll take care of me. He has been doing this all long. 

"No matter what, never let your love fade away. Always trust and support each other. There will come a time when things won't be easy anymore, you'll have to pass through the test of time. At that time just don't leave each others' hand", Annie smiles at both of us. I don't know if such a time will really come in our life or not, but I'll be with him no matter what. "And Eila. If you never need me, don't hesitate to call me. I'm always there for you", that's what I love about her. "I love you", I again hug her. This time tears run down my eyes while Jim pats my back. "I love you too baby", and we release. Wiping my tears I go to Droophy uncle. I must say I'll really miss him. 

He gives me a small bag and there's something wrapped in it. "What is it?"

"A small gift for you. Don't open it now", as he says ho I immediately his him. He is just too cute even in his 80s. "I will miss you", there is a clear sign on grief in his voice.

"I will miss you too. Take care of yourself", I say to which he nods.

"Come on get in the bus", Mrs.Kate tells everyone.

Finally waving them a last goodbye we head for our next destination. In bus I sit beside Jim taking the window seat. Our relation is changed now and I don't feel any hesitation to sit with him which I used to have before. But I know while we are happy and enjoying our time together, Winnie on the other hand is sitting alone at the back. I have nothing to do now. I tried to make her understand yet she's not ready to listen anything. I better give her some time to cope with this. 

"You look sleepy", Jim asks me. Actually I am. We'll reach the airport soon in almost an hour. "I will wake you up. Put your head on my shoulder", he proposes to which I blush. Without giving a second thought Immediately I wrap my hand around his arm and try to sleep placing my head on his shoulder. I never thought this to happen between us. An unknown feeling of contentment is swaying in my mind. Soon he rests his head upon mine. Finally journey of Boston comes to an end. 

.  .  .

Upon reaching the airport Jim wakes me up and taking our bags we head inside though he's carrying my luggage to lessen my burden. Soon after Miss.Henry hands our boarding passes. This time my seat is not beside Jim, it's with Sam. But the irony is... Jim's seat is with Winnie! I wonder what game is fate playing with us. Jim wants to change his seat with Sam so that he can sit beside me but I stop him since I don't know how Winnie might react to this. We should handle her gently right now. So, unwillingly Jim sat with Winnie while I'm with Sam which is just in front of their seat. The plane takes off. 

"Why didn't you let Jim to sit beside you?" Sam asks in confusion.

"Because, right now I don't want Winnie to feel bad for anything else".

"But.. aren't you worried?" Worried? But for what? Why is Sam suddenly asking this?

"For what?" I question him.

"That your boyfriend is with the other girl", I laugh at his words. Other girl? Winnie is not any other girl, she is our friend.

"Sam", I glare at him and he laughs at my look."Why should I be worried?"

"Ummmm... Jim might leave you and go to Winnie..", he teases. I burst into laughter at his words. I know he's doing this purposely to make me worried to tensed. But why should I? 

"I trust him", I let him know with a grin. 

"Okay okay. I admit defeat", Sam throws his hands up in the air. Suddenly we hear Winnie approaching Jim. Since their seat is behind us so I could somewhat hear their conversations.

"How are you?" I hear Winnie asking while Sam is staring at me and then he whispers,"See. Winnie is trying to...". "Shut up", I stop him from talking stupid.

"I'm good", Jim replies and I can clearly feel the unwillingness in his voice. He is sitting with Winnie just because I told him to do so.

"I never thought things will ever be such between us", Winnie says. But what does she mean with this. Also, Jim's not saying anything to her and so she continues,"I always thought someday you will accept me. But now...", so this is what she meant. I know Jim's feeling awkward now. 

"Look Winnie", Jim responds finally, "I'm sorry if I have hurt you but please stop intervening in my life", he says in a almost harsh tone. Sam again turns to me whispering,"Bro sounds strong man", he grins to which I give a smile at him. After what Jim said to Winnie, all through the way didn't hear any more conversation between them. Nor has Winnie said anything further.

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