Elf-Man Or Ellon? The World May Never Know

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 "Oh, you have got to be kidding me."

I was obviously dropped in some sort of realm of gods because of how beautiful this place was. Brick architecture surrounded me, but it was open to the elements. The sound of waterfalls eased my senses and made me feel more at home, and there were flowery vines that wrapped around the various archways reminded me of Aphrodite's palace herself.

There were a few bookcases in the room, along with a large, regal desk. It looked like an office of someone important, as the desk was littered with different scrolls, and what looked like ink wells and pens. It was as if I had just gone back in time a few hundred years. But that wasn't what was most off-putting.

This place was too calm and too serene to be real.

"Who is kidding?" a silky voice asked.

I immediately turned my body to face whoever had spoken, and nearly squeaked in shock. "What-wait, who are you?"

The person who had spoken was freakishly beautiful, and even though he had a manly voice, he had long brown hair that made him look like he could have been on the cover of Vogue. Although, the look was cut short at the odd-looking robes that he was wearing, making him look like a fairytale character or something. "I am Lord Elrond of Imladris. Who are you?"

I swallowed hard. "You don't know what I'm doing here?"

The man raised a dark eyebrow. "Am I supposed to?"

"Well, I don't know what I'm doing here, so I had hoped one of us would know something."


This has got to be one of the most awkward encounters of my life.

"You say you do not know where you are," Lord Elrond commented. "What is it that you do know?"

"Uhm..." I rubbed my hand behind my neck. "Nothing, really."

When in doubt, play dumb. However, something in the Lord's eye told me that he knew I was holding something back from him, along with some eerie sense of agelessness that I only ever saw coming from the gods.

He glided across the room and stood behind the desk before gesturing to one of the other chairs in the room. "Please, sit."

I let myself fall back into one of the cushioned chairs before reaching into my pocket and touching the familiar metallic pen.

His long fingers strummed along the desk as he leaned back in the chair and picked me apart with his dark eyes. "You are not from here."

I snorted. "That's all you got?"

"I am simply doing my best to compile the facts. And one of the facts is that you are not from here," he pointed out. "What is your name?"

I crossed my arms. "Persephone."

"Where are you from, Persephone?"

I sighed. This guy was starting to get on my nerves. "I already told you, Lord Elrond-Sir, I have no clue where I am."

"I did not ask you where you are Persephone, simply where you are from. You do know this information, yes?"

"All I know is that I'm not from here, dude. I don't know what you want me to tell you, because if I told you the truth, you probably wouldn't believe me."

And I'm not so sure I should be telling him the truth.

You can trust him, Persephone Jackson, world-traveler.

What in Hades was that?

I am someone you can trust as well. The Valar have warned me of your travels and I have been informed that you hail from another world. You are safe here, young one.

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