Down By The Riverside

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Dear Lovely Readers,

Thank you all for being you.


Ally Layne.


As soon as I made it down to the stables, Glorfindel was already there preparing for us to leave. I noticed he was holding a picnic basket of all things and was loading Asfoloth with some other items that looked like his normal supplies. His back was to me and didn't notice as I approached.

He had been too kind and already saddled Bud up for me, who most likely remembered that Glorfindel was the one who helped me on the way back from the battle. It was nice when the horse even trusted the elf, so I didn't think I made a bad decision by forgiving him.

Besides, I definitely would never admit to checking him out when he was standing there, but to be honest... I would be lying if I said I didn't.

Excitement and nervousness jittered throughout my veins. This was actually happening.

"So, where are we going?"

He quickly turned around, and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of his own excitement on his face. "You are going to have to find out."

I quickly walked up to where Bud was waiting and smiled slyly down at the basket still in his hands. "What's in the basket?"

The golden warrior grinned as he hooked it onto the side of the saddle. "You will find that out, too."

I rolled my eyes as I hopped onto Bud in what I thought was a graceful mount. However, Glorfindel's own mount of Asofoloth not only had me staring dreamy-eyed but definitely was a lot cooler than my own.

Daughter of the god of horses my ass.

For that short ride, Glorfindel was mighty ominous about where he was taking me. No matter how many times I asked, he refused to budge. However, I soon realized where we were going just from the sound of rushing water.

In a little less than a half an hour, we had made it to the riverbank, where fresh clear water rushed past after the crashing of the waterfall.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I smiled as I tasted the water in the air. This was now my new favorite place.

"I take it that this spot is to your liking?"

I opened my eyes to see him grinning at my obvious pleasure. "This is amazing!" I exclaimed. This was nearly as nice as being close to the sea- but it was far more refreshing than any other river I had been to.

He let out a laugh at my child-like excitement and climbed off of Asfoloth and started to gather the different things he had brought for our meal. "I thought it would be a nice spot to have a picnic, do you agree?"

I immediately slid off of Bud and took off my cloak and rolled up my sleeves to feel the mist from the waterfall on my skin. "Of course I do."

His smile was bright and he seemed to glow within the sun's rays. "Wonderful. Now, help me get set up so we can eat."

A giggle snuck through my defenses, but I couldn't bring myself to hide the glee that seeped within my saltwater veins. "Whatever you say, Goldilocks."

I walked up to him and took the basket from his hands, and immediately noticed that he paused when he took in the sight of my uncovered arms.

The scars.

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