A Hissy Fit Gone Wrong

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Question for my dearest readers:

Should Persie be mortal or immortal? Why?

The vote is on.

XOXO Ally Layne.


As soon as I made it back to my room, I was met with a few familiar faces.

"What are you guys doing here?"

Arwen, Alma, and Gerda were sitting in the living space of my room just waiting for my arrival. Gerda must have told them about my little adventure this morning, and so here they are. After my grand entrance, the ellyth stood up to hurry to my side.

Alma, who has been angry at Glorfindel for leaving with Mirwen, looked at me fiercely. "I hope he apologized properly for how he treated you," she told me sternly. "What he did l last eve was extremely rude and volatile."

Arwen sighed, glided over and placed a hand on Alma's shoulder. "He is not normally as you witnessed him, Almarian. I know him to be a kind, protective ellon who cares deeply for those he thinks worthy of such affections."

Gerda kept her eyes on me with her arms crossed. "You still need to tell us what happened, Persie," she informed me.

What was this? 20 questions?

The other two immediately turned and faced me after Gerda's demand. Their stares told me they were expecting to hear what happened, too, and I was so not ready to give them the entire story. Sometimes, I like to keep things to myself.

"Well... I assume Gerds told you guys about how Glorfindel came to my door this morning-"

Alma waved a hand in acknowledgment. "Of course, that is why we are here!"

"Take your time, Persephone. We are here to listen without judgment," Arwen amended, shooting Alma a hard look. The blonde ellyth didn't seem fazed, which proved to me just how invested she was.

"Thank you, Arwen. Now, as I was saying, he came to my door and apologized and after making it long and drawn out I eventually forgave him and he took me out for a picnic at the riverside for breakfast. It was nice and thoughtful and I feel like I am walking on clouds right now. Does that satisfy your curiosity?" I asked, looking at Alma pointedly.

"Did the two of you kiss?" Arwen asked curiously. One could not be mad at her for the look of innocence she wore was too believable.

I huffed. "No."

"But it was for not a lack of trying?" Alma urged.

I glared at her. "Alma, it's none of your business. We simply had a good time and Geoffry interrupted before either of us could make a move, kay?"

"But what did he say?" She asked. "You cannot just leave out the details, mellon nin!"

Gerda coughed into her fist. "Persephone really made him drone on about how terrible he had acted and apparently would not even look at him!"

I gasped, looking at the kind, precious Gerda with completely different eyes. "Gerds! You listened in on us?"

At least she looked bashful. "The two of you were speaking rather loudly, Persie. It was quite easy to hear."

Alma hid behind her hands as she snickered, but Arwen held strong with only a small smile. "If it went wrong, I wanted to be there to help you when you needed it," Gerda furthered, and something within me melted.

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