PART 2 PREVIEW: Hairy Feet and Leafy Greens

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Dearest Readers,

Thank you all for your kind comments and excitement! I can't wait for you to see all that this story will reveal to you in time ;)

Thank you all who have decided to follow me, let's keep it going!

Is there anything particular you want to see in the Hobbit Universe? If so, let me know!

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

XOXO Ally Layne


I walked through the halls of Imladris, softly humming a melody I used to hear on the radio back in my old world, letting the breeze and the fresh smell of the river rustle through my hair. I don't know how much longer I can take waking up alone in the large bed that Glorfindel and I once shared.

A year and a half ago I had moved into his chambers so we would be able to spend more time together. Now, it seems that had gone to waste as well.

Perhaps it's time to think about taking back my old space. I wonder if Elrond would mind me taking up my old chambers, but I doubt he would fuss. If anything, he'd be worried about my state of mind.

I wonder if my state of mind should be worried about, or if I am overreacting.

That's a basket of eggs I have no desire to sort through right now.

Maybe tomorrow.

"Persie! Wait!"

I paused mid-step and turned around to see a whirlwind of bright red hair and spice. "Varis?"

The dwarrowdam halted in her run at my side, and I grinned when I saw she was wearing her typical sparring clothes. "Would you like to join me at the training grounds? I could use a partner."

I looked down at my riding attire, having taken Bud out for a walk along the cliffside earlier that morning. "I guess I could, it's not like I have anything else to do." I met her eyes mischievously. "Ready to lose?"

Her bright green eyes narrowed, twinkling in hidden delight. "You will regret those words, demigod."

I grinned. "Whatever you say, dwarf."

The training grounds were mostly empty, which was odd. Luckily, they weren't completely empty. One of my favorite boring elves was currently walking through.

"Lindir! What's up?"

Varis snorted to herself as she started to warm up with her blade to my right.

Lindir, Elrond's left-hand man-elf-person, immediately looked over and I saw his eyes widen slightly. "Lady Persephone."

I kept riptide open at my side and hustled over to where he was standing in the doorway. "Where is everyone?"

He blinked, looking out at the barren training grounds with pursed lips. He slowly clasped his hands together in front of him and looked as though he was about to give a diplomatic speech. "Lord Elrond left with his sons and Lord Glorfindel for a hunt this morning, my Lady."

My stomach clenched. "They brought everyone with them?"

Lindir tilted his head. "Both Lord Elladan and Lord Glorfindel's legions went with them."

My lips pursed. "Which means I was supposed to go with."

"It seems as that would be the case."

"So why wasn't I told?"

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